There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Emilie looked up from her computer to notice Lindy standing shyly behind the door, her hand carefully placed over the lock, nervously playing with it. "Hi Dr. Stone, may I come in?" "Of course, take a seat," Emilie smiled, extending her hand to the empty chair across her desk. "I wanted to bring you in to discuss the decision Dr. Stark and I have made after carefully considering our options." Emilie stopped for a moment to gauge Lindy's reaction to her statement, and she noticed a hint of anxiety...a normal feeling considering the stakes. "We are gonna go ahead and perform the abortion," she continued, finally breaking the news to the young girl. But Emilie was surprised to see Lindy seemingly displaying mixed emotions. "Dr. Stone...can I be honest with you?" Lindy asked with some hesitation. Emilie immediately wondered what Lindy had withheld from her and Stark. If it was something directly affecting their ability to go forward with the procedure, then they would have no other choice but to reconsider. "Of course, what is it?" Lindy sighed, her face turning a soft shade of red. "The's Dr. Stark's." "Oh," was all Emily managed to reply, the shock alone from the news leaving her mind racing to make sense of what she'd just been told. "And, um, does he know?" Lindy nodded her head, a couple of tears escaping either eye as she brought up her hand to cover her nose. She looked away from Emilie as if she were ashamed of what she'd confessed to. "I—I didn't mean to get pregnant," she managed to say in between her sobs, "I didn't want..." "Wait, are you trying to say Dr. Stark forced himself upon you?" Emilie asked in disbelief, handing the poor girl a box of tissues as she felt some anger stirring within herself. "He wouldn't leave me alone Dr. Stone, he was very persistent even though I just wanted to go back to my room," Lindy admitted in a calmer state, wiping her eyes with a tissue. It was then Emilie took action. She picked up the phone and dialed the security department as she advised Lindy that everything would be alright while she simultaneously locked her door by pressing the small button directly underneath her desk. If Stark hadn't gone back to his room just yet, then he was definitely still hanging around the office. "Yes, this is Dr. LaFavre-Stone, I need to report the rape of a minor," she said as soon as someone answered the line.