[hider=Maya Elenviel] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VXnrmAe.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/L985cxj.jpg[/img] [color=f26522][i]"Don't worry guys, the goddess says I'm going to make it through this one, but she's pretty sure you're all screwed."[/i][/color] [color=f26522][i]"Is this easy mode?"[/i][/color] [color=f26522][i]"Neoraptors and Tydiriuses don't scare me much.. But earth cats do.. Seriously... Maybe they just don't like me."[/i][/color] [color=f26522][i]"Hey rick, can we stop for a quick snack?"[/i][/color] [color=f26522][i]"Harriet.. Can you turn into a tree?.. I like tree's."[/i][/color] [color=f26522][i]"Brek, how do you get your armour so shiny? Because you know.. Ooh, shiny.."[/i][/color] [color=f26522][i]"Hey Zavid, do you run on Windows? You know the human operat.. Oh, sorry..."[/i][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dhMjbrn9Lw[/youtube] [color=f26522][i]-Theme-[/i][/color] [color=f26522][i]Species:[/i][/color] Ivari (Ivirnius Isapius) [color=f26522][i]Age:[/i][/color] Mid-Twenties (Biologically) Approximately 26 in human years. [color=f26522][i]Gender:[/i][/color] Female [color=f26522][i]Height:[/i][/color] 5'7 - 170cm [color=f26522][i]Weight:[/i][/color] 61kg - 135 pounds [color=f26522][i]Personality:[/i][/color] [/center] The Ivari uphold a certain reputation as being rather eccentric, extroverted and hyperactive and Maya is no exception to this common personality trait, however she is capable of relaxing herself for the good of concentration that is required in hunting effectively. Maya is a caring, lovable individual that believes in friendship and partnership, this is because the Ivarians remain as a tribal society and often travel in large numbers or small groups, they are rarely alone. Maya is described by many as a deep thinker, she often thinks too hard into even the most simple things and finds herself getting lost in her own thoughts displaying almost child like tendencies however when endangered her defensive and rather aggressive personality makes an appearance. She is also a very spiritual and mystical thinker as the Ivari are a highly religious race, she believes strongly in respecting nature and thanking and respecting the creatures that she hunts, blessing them upon death. [center] [color=f26522][i]History of the Ivari:[/i][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sYeHZ2g.jpg[/img] [/center] The Ivari, a close ally to humanity within the very first days of their ascendance to the stars; being the first species met by humans within the Alpha Centurai solar system as named by the humans, it's true name is the Imarusa system, a mystical location complete with a binary star system where two stars rotate each-other with many other planetary bodies orbiting them in turn. One of these planets is the Ivarian homeworld, Ivos. A magnificent and beautiful world covered with lush green forests and mountains-capes and millions of different wildlife species. Beautifully designed buildings shine amongst the tree's and many mystical ruins dot the landscape. The planet is home to a mere 750 million Ivari, this is because genetic fertility issues and mating rituals limit offspring, making the Ivari rarely seen amongst the vast other species in the galaxy. The Ivari to humanities surprise show a shocking similarity to what they would call elves, pointy ears being fairly prominent amongst them. Despite this they are almost identical to humans in height and appearance yet their eyes glow a mystical blue and they hold a power unique to their species. The Ivari had evolved as a tribal community, hunting from the early days of their existence to survive and striving as many different clans in rule of their own territories. Tribal dancing, parades, hunting competitions and arranged marriages were common in their society where the males would compete for the affection of female suitors. Initiations and rights of passage were also a requirement for both male and female children as soon as they reached adolescence. Although the Ivari started off primitive and often enveloped in times of war, the Ivari were able to transcend to something greater, a new found power call the Alura changed everything. An ancient race long forgotten and before the days of the Ivari's existence had left many ruins and artefacts behind, mighty beacons which when touched by the Ivari offer then knowledge of technology, understanding and intelligence, taking them from a primitive race to the space faring society they are today. Besides gaining knowledge and the ability to transfer such information through these artefacts, the Ivari infused themselves with mystical powers found within the Aluran artefacts. Powers which allow them to move light objects through means of telekinesis. The Aluran artefacts are known to only work for the Ivari and are still a complete mystery to even the Ivarian people. To gain such power, children must commit to a right of passage, or be shunned by society and denial of the Aluran faith, a religion strongly devoted to a mystic goddess known as Mayara that the Ivari believe is their absolute creator. [center] [color=f26522][i]Maya's History:[/i][/color] [/center] Maya Elenviel, the excitable and talented daughter to the head chieftain of the Elenvi clan; Karus Elenviel. The Elenvi clan has been the forefront of Ivari hunting and gathering since the earliest of days, providing meals for the people of the planet and upholding their cultural heritage and expressive love for the hunt. Maya lost her mother Mira during childbirth and has relied on her father for the sole upbringing of both herself and her slightly older brother Merus. Maya found it hard to be surrounded by a larger population of males, Ivarian females were a rarity due to a long history of genetic issues which usually result in unfortunate deaths during pregnancy. Maya however despite being raised primarily by men expresses a somewhat feminine side when she feels like it. As a young child Maya found it difficult to socialise with other youths of her clan, most of them found her rather strange and for Ivarian standards she's clearly on the more extreme spectrum as the Avari already display a rather interesting personality. As a result of this Maya spent time to herself and her brother, the two of them formed a strong bond and supported each-other in almost everything they did. At age 10 Maya loved to learn about everything, she loved hunting from the very beginning of her childhood, she also devoted herself to her religion and the understanding of the Aluran teachings. Mayas father spent his days training both her brother Merus and herself to be some of the best hunters in the clan. Maya continued to express herself with a never ending enthusiasm and eccentric obsession for her craft, readying herself for the most important trial of her life; The Aluran trial. At age 13 Maya's father took her hands and led her to a large gathering of clan members, they bowed to her, sang a few ceremonial songs and formed a prayer in which she joined. Her father smiled at her and reassured her of her upcoming trial of passage to adulthood. Soon after she walked onward and alone into the mighty Forrest of Ivos in search of a great artefact, her silent prayers asking the goddess for guidance in her quest. Several frightening hours later as the suns would begin to set a blue glow would appear before her, forming a path to guide the child to a mighty beacon. With widened eyes she walked up a floor of steps, a large floating cube with a beautiful and brilliant blue glow illuminated the forest before her. Her shaking hands touched the cube in which she was met with visions of her peoples history and the voice of her deceased mother, bringing her to tears. With her mothers words and blessing her fingertips glowed blue as she felt a mystical, tingling sensation bond withing her and at the moment, small rocks around her began to float, it was at this moment she found her inner power. Upon returning celebrations awaited, drinks and food were consumed and music and dancing commenced, however it was all a little too much for Maya, who shortly retired to her bed. A decade later, Maya has left the confines of her home after the unfortunate passing of her father in which her brother now ruled over the clan. Maya left the clan through grief, she refused to marry and find herself in leadership of a greater people, she wanted independence and the chance to explore and find greater meaning for herself through doing what she loved most: hunting. It didn't take long for Maya to find herself in GAHL, a new profession and way make a living for herself, a way to move onward and perhaps meet some new people; maya always did love an adventure. Today Maya finds herself at the start of joining a new group of hunters she met through GAHL, something told her this was the start of something more. [center] [color=f26522][i]Weapons/Supplies:[/i][/color] [/center] [color=f26522]AVALIUM-L Mass Driver + Hyper-scan optical scope.[/color] - An incredibly powerful Ivarian weapon, extremely rare and sought for throughout the galaxy, uses highly charged power cells to electronically propel a high calibre penetration round. The rifle however requires time to charge up for a shot and then cool down after each shot, it can also only hold one round before reloading each consecutive shot, it's also very heavy. The scope offers target tracking for high accuracy. Maya's mass driver is as close as you can get to a handheld cannon making her incredibly vulnerable but dangerous. Maya has named her weapon Ava, for short. [color=f26522]TALOS Exo-assist armour[/color] Mayas Ivarian armour offers increased agility in both speed and leg strength however it doesn't offer as much protection as most regular exo-armours. [color=f26522]ELOS Combat Knife[/color] - Mayas combat knife comes complete with a close proximity electrical shock ability that allows her to capture potential wild life without harming them, this can also be used for self defence against people. The knife is incredibly sharp and has a serrated blade. [color=f26522]HOLUS Capture Sphere[/color] - Upon incapacitating a target, Maya can use a device found upon her belt to generate a physical holographic barrier around a small to medium sized creature, this takes time to generate and can only be done if the creature isn't moving, it can also only hold weak animals and would fail to contain a powerful aggressive monster. [center] [color=f26522][i]Misc:[/i][/color] [/center] [color=f26522]Telekenesis[/color] - Maya has the ability to control and move small to medium sized objects with the powers granted to her by the Aluran artefacts on her home-world, she can push, pull, levitate and move any object as long as it isn't too heavy. Using this power in excess weakens her greatly and causes extreme fatigue if over-used. [color=f26522]Eyes and ears[/color] As an Ivari she has the ability to see slightly better in the dark and heightened listening abilities, her senses are stronger than common humans. [color=f26522]Sensitive to cold[/color] Maya is incredibly sensitive to cold climates, this is because of an upbringing on a world orbited by two stars which results in constant moderate to warm temperatures. As the Ivari have rarely experienced many winters their biology has a weakened response to cold weather meaning she runs a higher risk risk of hypothermia than others. [/hider]