[center][h1][color=39b54a] The Accident[/color] [/h1][/center] Cyrus slowly came back to consciousness. The pounding in his head was like a car alarm that wouldn't shut off. Raising his arm he realized it felt like it weighed a ton. He felt something wet running down his arm and face and he put his hand against his face and realized by the sharpness that he was covered in glass. Brushing it away as quickly as he could he moved his head and realized that his neck was sore. The extreme pains in his cervical region made him wonder if he had burst a disc or two. The sharp pains were nothing compared to the fear. Cyrus turned his neck slightly to the side to check on his passenger. [color=00aeef]"Abby? You ok?"[/color] Cyrus choked out. The blood was pouring out of a cut on his forehead and he could barely see. He was afraid to push glass into his eyes so he was avoiding touching them if he could. He moved his arm and put it out to touch the girl's hand. [color=00aeef]"Abs?"[/color] With no response Cyrus began to panic. He could hear the sirens in the distance. Help was on it's way. It seemed like forever that he sat there waiting for help. In reality it was only two or three minutes. Cyrus kept calling to Abby. He wasn't sure when the first responders got there but he heard a voice from the other car and they were screaming in terror. The fire department burst on the scene dousing a flame as it ignited on the other car. They congregated around both cars assessing the situation and they tried prying the doors open with no luck. A moment or two later they covered Cyrus and Abby up and used the jaws of life to pry open the doors. It only took a moment or two after that to remove Cyrus and then Abby. There were two ambulances on the scene. Cyrus was out first and he was put into an ambulance and he was the second passenger. The first passenger from the other car had apparently died only seconds before. Cyrus barely remembered anything. He heard the sirens but not the ride to the hospital or the questions he mumbled out in confusion about Abby's condition. He was scared when they took him to the O.R. He hadn't really been too aware of his own condition. Had he looked down below where the airbag had been sitting he would have seen the ruler in the cupholder had become weaponized, when it hit him with the force of the impact and with the airbag behind it it had impaled itself into his stomach. He had been in shock and not felt it. As the oxygen mask put him under all he could think of was Abby. They had been singing to the radio. His cell went off and he handed it to her and she read the text to him and answered his mom with his reply. She had put the cell on her seat under her leg so it wouldn't slide around. Cyrus remembered looking at her and then back at the road just in time to see a car come racing over the median line and into their lane. Instinctively he put a hand out to protect Abby but it was too late. The sedan had hit the smaller car head on and the sound of shattering glass and crunching metal and plastic burst over the quiet of the evening. His subconscious mind then went further back and he remembered two years ago when they had first started dating. Later they would tell him that he cried tears while under anesthesia. His mind played the happy time back like it was a movie. He had an engagement ring in his pocket. He had hoped to ask her tonight. Cyrus' mind went blank as the anesthesia plummeted his subconscious into the depths of darkness. To be continued....