[@ConstantlyComic] (O__O) You have so many servants i wish i had rolled, but that's just the luck of the draw i guess! I am way far back in regards to the in-game "levels" so to say, definitely not beibng at Camelot yet, but that is because i have been grinding levels and such for my team thus far. Plan on maxing them out first for this "file" of mine, since i actually had a "first file" so to say and rushed until i hit a wall at Camelot with my underleveled trash! XD So then i deleted the game off of my phone, re-downloaded it, and then started over to try to do things a bit differently this time around. [quote]I really wish i had Orion though.[/quote] I also managed to find the button in the friend menu. Sent you and [@SIGINT] both...friend requests i think? ------- [@SIGINT] Thanks! I got lucky with both, literally using 2, 3 Saint Quart single rolls for each. Oddly enough, every time i saved up enough to roll 10 at once with 30 Saint Quartz, i get Craft Essences. On the bright side, i have the one with Zouken on it that i rolled weeks ago, lol! XD Did you do the Meiji event by the way? [s]I will have to get some of those medals though, now that you mentioned that about Lancer!Arturia...[/s]