[quote=@Azereiah] Nin [sup]nin [sup]nin [sup]nin [sup]nin [sup]nin [sup]nin[/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup] [/quote] BELIEVE IT [quote=@CondorTalon] So any good games people have been playing recently? I just got back into DFO after about two months absence. [/quote] Overwatch just released the Uprising update today. Really great event, probably the best of the series so far. The Brawl is utterly fantastic, and it has [url=http://i.imgur.com/PlLXRAE.mp4]the best highlight intro in the entire game[/url] [quote=@BrobyDDark] Could I get a rundown on what's happening in the roleplay right now? I'm gonna see if I can introduce my character if there isn't a big event (or multiple big events) going on right now. [/quote] There is an event going on right now, all the first years are playing a game of CTF (that's pretty much all that's happening in the grand scheme of things, really)