[hider=Hitomi Fukushima][center][b]Name: [/b] Hitomi Fukushima[/center] [center][b]Age: [/b] 16[/center] [center][b]Gender:[/b] Female[/center] [center][b]Arcana:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9WeQa3A.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Equipment: [/b] There are times in which Hitomi carries around her guitar case which would seem massive when compared to the small girl, but it doesn’t weigh all that much. Though it would be difficult to use a guitar case or guitar itself as a weapon under any circumstances. Hitomi also typically has a purse full of goodies, but nothing in there would ever prove crucial to saving her life in combat.[/center] [center][b]Skills: [/b] Hitomi is a wonderful guitar player and has a nice voice to match. She has very limited combat experience, but did take a few self-defense classes at her father’s behest. She is also known as very charismatic by her peers, often times being quite a friendly face for many in the halls of Uchima Senior High. She is definitely seen by many as a social butterfly and as such does not have a hard time getting along with a variety of people.[/center] [center][b]Appearance:[/b][/center] [hider=Hitomi Fukushima] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2xbOlq0.png[/img][/center][/hider] [center]Hitomi stands around 1.55 metres tall and has hair that reaches her mid back. Commonly she has it in one large braid that she places over her left shoulder, but when it is down she keeps it off of her shoulders. When out of her school uniform, Hitomi can easily be found wearing clothes that are rather fashionable, whether that translate to large and comfy sweaters or coats with fur trim. One thing that is notable about the small girl is that she typically wears multiple layers of clothing, in case of weather changes or necessary fashion calls. She tends to look a little over-prepared.[/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b] Hitomi is a strange girl. While she is a fantastic student she is a bit of a ditz. While she can memorize facts just fine and her creativity certainly isn’t lacking she seems oddly un-concerned with extraneous circumstances. Simply diving into situations and debates she has no place in. She clearly has the courage of a great warrior, however this is unfortunately applied to the most unlikely scenarios. Like, assuming that because she believes she wants twenty-three chicken nuggets from McDonalds and only five minutes before class – she will do just that. It has been an issue in the past. Hitomi also has a habit of speaking and acting in a very strange way. Simply saying whatever comes to mind at any given time. She is an incredibly energetic person, but only in short bursts. Often times she’ll be bouncing off the walls for two hours and then demand a nap. While Hitomi does do some amount of cardio through her biking up-hill to school every day (both ways, in the snow, through a ravine) she doesn’t specifically train. Simply boasting a semi-large amount of stamina that supports her supernova style personality. Something Hitomi is notable for is her poor ability to dissuade herself form the groupthink. Essentially, she is easily persuaded by two or more people or someone with a very dominant personality. This is because of her relationship with her parents in which they often times bark orders at her and she is relegated to following them. One thing Hitomi does struggle with, however is social interaction on the typical level. She can’t keep secrets and she often times runs out of things to say. Constantly struggling to continue a conversation it can be difficult for her to keep up with those real socialite types. However, underneath it all is someone who is fairly kind, simply seeking companionship in the purest sense of the phrase. Notably, Hitomi works at a small coffee shop just a block from the school, she typically works weekend mornings.[/center] [center][b]Biography:[/b] Hitomi has had a rather boring life all things considered. From her early childhood she was placed in music lessons, taught to find that perfect pitch with her voice and the strings of a guitar. She spent many hours in her room as a child, reading, writing music, doing homework, avoiding interaction with other people mostly, whatever she called it, there was a very specific purpose to all the time she spent in her room. When she was a small child she had a hard time relating to each any every other person on the playground. She was detached, missing part of the formulae that allowed for normal human interaction. She hated that. And they hated her for it. She was relentlessly bullied in her early school years. People would set up Hitomi for a joke, acting as though they wanted to hear what she had to say, but as she would tell it and keep trying to take the joke one step further they would simply laugh and tell her she was taking it too far. They would always give her compliments that seemed innocent enough but if she accepted them they would cackle to themselves. She simply stopped reacting to positivity and learned to read body language. But it wasn’t enough for her. Truly, Hitomi detested not being able to be 'one of them'. She couldn't understand how they just spoke for hours and didn't run out of things to say, how they could laugh at jokes and keep track of each specific thing someone had said before. She was missing a piece of that puzzle. So she did what she did best. She studied them. It was unequivocally her single focus for the majority of her early life into teenage years. And she learned so much, by the time she had turned fourteen years old they were eating out of her palm. That being said, once she had turned fourteen years old and had a good grasp on how to make people her friends, her grades had been faltering. It took some time and effort, private lessons with instructors and the like to get her grades back where they should be, and then some. And she was invited to Uchima Senior High. She had been having these dreams lately, hearing someone speak with her voice but with words that were not her own. They were strange, and she considered whether or not they could be a warning sign for her. But she pushed that thought aside. And leapt forward into school at Uchima. [/center] [hr] [center][b][h2]Persona[/h2] Name:[/b] Helen of Troy[/center] [center][b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/RM/HelenTroyEvelynDeMorgan.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Traits:[/b] -Reflects: -Absorbs: Pierce -Void: -Resist: -Weak: Psio[/center] [center][b]Abilities/Skills: [/b] Dia Tarukaja Agi Life Drain [/center][/hider]