[center][color=gray][h1]Dawkin Trustram[/h1][/color] Dawkin nodded and reached for a Pokeball, his hand hovering for a moment between the two before grabbing one with assurance and releasing Wooper to face off against Geodude, though the water Pokémon should be able to handle either of the two opponent's with ease. The pokemon landed on the ground with a bit of a wobble but looked but at Dawkin cheerily enough. Martin's statement to his Bulbasuar made him realize he'd never gotten around to naming his Wooper either. Meh, he'd figure it out, if he was even going to keep the Pokémon. It seemed like Martin's situation with Bulbasuar was the opposite of Dawkin's. Frankly he found the dull looking thing somewhat unappealing, but it'd be a waste of a greatball if he didn't use it. Besides, he had to at least give it a chance. Dawkin gave a smile just shy of a smirk at Martin's last comment, [color=gray]"Is that so? Time to play then. Wooper, water-Gun Geodude!"[/color] Wooper faithfully rotated its rather large head and puffed up her cheeks, launching a stream of water at the boulder-like pokemon. Dawkin found Martin's spunk rather invigorating, it was good to see some-else as serious about this as he was. [/center] [hr] [hider=Inventory] [b]Items[/b]: x1 Potion x5 Pokeball x2 Super-Potions x1 Escape rope x2 Repels x1 Awakening x1 Paralyze Heal x1 Antidote [b]Pokédollars[/b]: 22p.[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] [hider=Aron] [b][u]Atlas[/u][/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Type: [/b]Steel/Rock [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/fd/Spr_5b_304.png[/img] [b]Species[/b]: Aron [b]Level[/b]: 7 [b]Personality:[/b] A stubborn and sometimes disagreeable little fellow, he likes eating. A lot. He's smarter than he looks and can be quite devious in order to get what he wants. [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other:[/b] Fill in as we go. Probably [b]Moves[/b]: Tackle, Harden, Mudslap, Headbutt [b]Ability[/b]: Sturdy. Allows the pokemon to survive an attack that would otherwise knock it out. [b]Held Item[/b]: [/hider] [hider=Wooper][center][url=http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/78/194Wooper.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/lQ3oOD4.png[/img][/url][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: ♀ [b]Type[/b]: Water/Ground [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other[/b]: [b]Level[/b]: 6 [b]Moves[/b]: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport [b]Ability[/b]: Water Absorb, will regain health upon being hit with a water-type move. [b]Held Item[/b]: None.[/hider] [/hider]