Heather stayed within the tavern, while everyone went outside with the man who started the event. She shook her head at the man. She pointed to her friend Patricia, who's still unconscious. She had a dismayed look on her face. [color=lightpink][i]”I hope she is alright after this nap,”[/i][/color] Heather thought to herself. She didn't want to leave behind her friend. Patricia was completely out of it since she is unconscious. Her head was on the table by her friend’s hands. Heather looked at her friend silently. She heard the excitement going on in the distance a bit. She had a small ounce of terror going inside of her soul. She felt as if Patricia and she were going to die for a split second. However, that terror vanished after awhile. [color=lightpink][i]”The hell? What’s going on outside?”[/i][/color] Heather thought to herself. She was somewhat happy that feeling was gone. She looked at her friend since the loudness outside was quite loud. Patricia was soundly sleeping, but still out of it. She didn’t even wake up a bit from all the commotion going on outside. However, she was dreaming something and it was terrifying. [hr] [i]Patricia woke up in a very dark cave and she was shivering. [color=lightgreen]”Heather, where are you?”[/color] Patricia asked. She was shaking in fear and slowly walked further into the cave. She stopped in her tracks right there and she saw something more terrifying than anything she saw in her life. She saw a massive dragon, who was sleeping in its cave. [hider=The Dragon’s Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/Rltjl8b.jpg[/img][/hider] The Dragon awoke when she stopped since it wasn’t really asleep. [color=black]”It is nice to see you again,”[/color] The Dragon said to her with a male tone of voice. He gets up very slowly and looks directly at her with his opened eyes. [color=black]”Heather, isn’t here only me,”[/color] The Dragon said with an evil smirk on his face. The dream faded to black.[/i] [hr] Patricia wakes up in a cold sweat. She slept throughout the entire thing that happened outside. She looked directly up at Heather and crying because of the nightmare she had. [color=lightgreen]”Heather, please never leave me…,”[/color] Patricia sobbed. She was shaking even more so than when she is afraid of the dark or being in a tight space. Heather saw her friend and was utterly shocked. [color=lightpink]”Patricia, I will never leave you. You just had a terrible nightmare. This is the third time this week,”[/color] Heather said. She had a nervous look on her face. She was afraid of what her friend saw in her nightmare this time, but the last time was slightly worse. [color=lightpink]”Patricia, what was the nightmare this time?”[/color] Heather asked kindly. Patricia slowly calmed down when her friend told her that. She shook her head. [color=lightgreen]”It was too terrifying to tell you. It will be better if it stays with me,”[/color] Patricia said terrified. She put her hands on her face and continued crying. Heather put her left hand on Patricia’s shoulder. She was worried about her friend but at least she was awake. [color=lightpink]”Alright, I won’t pry anymore. You can keep that with you,”[/color] Heather said. She looked around the room and noticing people coming inside and they were injured. [color=lightpink]”What happened?[/color] Heather asked. She had a confused look on her face, but she didn’t see what happened outside. Patricia was still crying uncontrollably because of her nightmare this time but her hairs weren't standing on end. Her rainbow draconian wings were glowing a shade of blue. Heather looked back at her friend and noticed that bluish aura coming from her draconian wings and it was somewhat strange. [color=lightpink][i]"That must've been a true nightmare, oh great,"[/i][/color] Heather thought to herself. She put her hands in a cupped position and started to pray right there. [color=lightpink]"May the blessings of the Flowerdancer family keep the two of us safe from any harm. Please my ancestors, heed me,"[/color] Heather said quietly. She was physically shaking herself similar to her friend when she fainted but was a bit more stable. [@Rai][@Sohtem][@FallenTrinity]