[center][h2][color=00a651]Alex [/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/a97Li1O.gif[/img][/h2][/center] Alex was happily eating a rice cracker when he was shouted at by Yuuno. Shocked he started coughing as a piece of cracker went down the wrong way. Guzzling his tea for relief, Alex took deep breaths and wiped a few tears from as his eyes as he looked at Yuuno. [color=00a651]“I’m sorry, Miss Yuuno. I had no idea that Bel doesn’t age and has always been the Blue King and will always be the Blue King forever more. My point was that people are going to notice when a King doesn’t log in, especially those in the Blue Guild, then the rumours will start.” [/color]Sighing and talked about what he thought would happen, as if from experience. [color=00a651]“They will wonder why the Blue King isn’t logging in, why they aren’t receiving orders from her directly, they might even wonder if there has been a coup following recent troubling events. Why else wouldn’t the Blue King log in? No one would make the logical leap to Bel’s current… situation.”[/color] Forehead wrinkled up in worry and face still a bit red from the minor choking he suffered at the dastardly shard of rice cracker, Alex finally felt confident to propose something. [color=00a651]“What if Bel… just disappears for a while? We could spread rumours about the White King maybe having done something to her in real life, which for all we know might not even be a lie. It will explain the situation with the Blue King and would leave you, Miss Yuuno as second in command, to direct the guild in Bel’s stead while she actually just gives you instructions.” [/color]Scratching his head, Alex looked between Bel and Yuuno before averting his eyes, Yuuno was far scarier than Bel. Even when Bel told him to choke that girl she wasn’t as scary as her when Yuuno defended Bel. [color=00a651]"I just don't see this as something that gets fixed over night. There needs to be some kind of long term plan. As for the Prez? I never saw her or the friend I was told to... well I never saw them leave so the one I didn't touch must have left with her."[/color] [@TheWindel][@KoL]