[color=C6DEFF][center][h1]Lila Moriarty[/h1][/center][/color] "[I]Hes afraid of you..[/I]" Velai said, muttering. Probably she didn't knew that Lila could hear her quite easily even if she whispered. But she quickly changed her tone of voice and said out loud, giggling. "He must have just thought you were cute!" [i][color=6ecff6]"Fear... I know..."[/color][/i] She thought to herself. [color=C6DEFF]"Cute..."[/color] she repeated the word to herself. It was a strange concept to her. Nobody had ever said that about her, she didn't even knew what made someone cute or not.. [color=C6DEFF]"Maybe..."[/color] she said, feigning to have believed on Velai's words. When she approached the counter, sitting down on the stool to wait for the water, she could easily see the server running away from her, to the kitchen. His respiration, how fast his heart was beating... every single one of those was a dead giveaway about his true feelings. Lila was already used to being treated like that, but she couldn't help but to feel a little disappointed. Even if what Velai said was a lie... [color=696969]”I really like your dress. The red is a beautiful accent and matches your hair perfectly! May I ask if you made it yourself, or if it was made for you? And uh, where could I get one?”[/color] The voice came from the other woman that was in the bar, the sol woman, the one Lila didn't knew the name. Lila was extremely surprised about how that woman approached her. She was happy, friendly and calm as she spoke to her. Didn't she knew what and who she was? But there was no mistake to it. Lila could feel honesty in her voice. She had no second intentions in her mind. [color=C6DEFF]"I... This dress?"[/color] She asked, still trying to understand the cheerful girl. [color=C6DEFF]"I don't know who made it. It was given to me by Mirror. Its my standard combat uniform."[/color] Lila couldn't help but answer the girl's questions honestly. It was something in her voice, how honest she was being... [color=C6DEFF]"It is effective, it is light, easy to move with and offers protection from the elements. Although it is unnecessarily decorated. Mirror has strange tastes."[/color] Again, Lila found herself speaking too much. She couldn't help it but answer that girl honestly. She didn't knew exactly why. Lila was trying to understand why that girl had that effect on Lila. She was almost unable to lie to her. [color=696969]”Will you come watch the fight with me? Oh, what’s your name by the way? I’m Alexis.”[/color] The girl's honest and cheerful voice interrupted her thoughts again. She was trying so hard to understand why someone like Alexis would approach her, and her carefree and honest thought didn't helped her at all. They literally made a mess inside her head whenever she spoke with her. [color=C6DEFF]"Wait, I..."[/color] she tried to say, but it was already too late, Alexis had grabbed her hand and was dragging her to the fight. Lila almost stiffened to the girl's touch. She didn't knew how to react to that. Most people only touched her or to try to kill her or by obligation. Her hand was warm and soft. She couldn't say if that girl was a fool, or just too pure and innocent. It took a while for her to calm herself down and order her thoughts, by the time she did it, they were already outside. There she could feel the ones who would fight. It was the dragon slayer and the mixed blood girl. Ava and Soron. But wasn't Alexis and Velai the ones who challenged Suleykaar to a fight? What was happening? After thinking a little, she remembered something she heard shortly before the weird, overfriendly girl arrived. [color=crimson]“I challenge you to a fight and when I win, you’ll apologize for your rude behavior.”[/color] [color=slategray]"Be careful what you wish for mal vahdim, or you will get exactly that."[/color] That's right. Ava had challenged him for a formal duel. The duel was almost already starting. Both Soron and Ava were already ready for battle. As the battle raged, Lila could feel their movements. The mixed blood girl was keeping up well with the dragon slayer, but the difference in experience and technique was palpable. This was more evident when Soron taunted Ava, and she fell for it. Her posture changed immediately as she shouted at him, full of anger. Lila flinched a little with that scream, feeling a sting due to her enhanced hearing. The fight had already ended the second Ava lost her calm. The scene that followed wasn't pretty. A series of attacks hit Ava straight on, sending her to the ground with a sickening thud. Lila thought that the fight was over, but to her surprise, the mixed blood girl stood up again. [color=crimson]“Dragon’s...Wrath…”[/color] she heard her talking, before releasing a huge blast of fire. Suleykaar ran to deflect it, but they still hit Soron. The noise from the fire blast, his loud cries of pain... Lila felt a sharp pain as the loud noises overwhelmed her enhanced hearing, she flinched from the pain, losing her balance for a second. Using her scythe to help her to regain her balance, she pressed her free hand against her ear. [color=C6DEFF]"Too... Loud..."[/color] She said as she got her scythe in her hands, slowly walking towards them both with a scary expression while enduring the pain. Before she could get near them though, she couldn't hear anything. Complete and absolute silence. Lila stopped immediately. She couldn't "see" anything. It was... relaxing. The only thing she could feel was the smell of blood. Fresh and warm blood, coming from the wounds on Soron, Ava and Serena's bodies. The smell was strong, almost enticing. She knew exactly where they were, she could almost taste the smell of blood in the air. She kept watching them only by her sense of smell. Her eyes were like the eyes of a predator, looking to its prey. She was trying to control herself, but the pain and the smell of blood were making it difficult... The seraphim always looked at her with disgust because of that, but her instincts were those of a hunter, not the ones of a prey. [color=C6DEFF]"Alexis..."[/color] she said, calling the girl's name the second she could feel her hearing gradually coming back. [color=C6DEFF]"Lets go inside. Quick."[/color] She said to the girl, looking to her. But she was apparently busy trying to heal Soron. Lila couldn't stand there anymore. The smell of blood was maddening. Sure, she had just drank some blood earlier. That cold, tasteless blood was just enough to nurture her body, but it wasn't enough to satiate her hunger. She couldn't wait any longer. Lila got back inside the tavern only to discover that things were worse there. Ava and Serena were both inside, weak and covered in their own blood. The second Lila entered and smelled that, she opened her mouth, her fangs reflecting the light in a sickly glint. [i][color=C6DEFF]"No... I have orders to not consume blood without other's consent..."[/color][/i] she thought to herself, covering her mouth with her hand. Anyone in the room could easily understand the situation. It was very evident that Lila was doing her best to fight against her instincts. [@Vesuvius00] [@Rai]