[hr][center][h1][b][i]Scooby Gang[/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][i][color=82ca9d]Location: [/color][/i][/b]Grand Continental[/center][hr] Aziza nodded towards Harry as he squeezed her shoulder, giving a slight smile of relief. She was glad he and Haakon were okay and that Abbas was no long er with them. Looking over towards Haakon she nodded once again. [color=a187be]"Yes, I am fine. Thank you, thank you both for taking care of removing that [i]ass-hat[/i] from our presence. Miss Clark has been wonderful sticking by my side through this while you dealt with him."[/color] Her voice was kind as she glanced over towards Josephine and smiled towards a woman she was quickly considering a friend. It was not often she opened up but there was just something about her that put her at ease. Maybe it was her confidence. Perhaps it was her carefree attitude. Whatever, it was, she felt an odd kinship with her. Looking over at the [b]LORD MAJOR![/b] she cocked a brow. It was an interesting proposition but if Lauren was going to remain in the barracks for the evening, how could she stay in the hotel? With Harry... Alone. The thought caused her cheeks to flush as her eyes drifted over to him before looking away sharply. Clearing her throat she nodded in agreement. This could very well just be the start of much more than the ending to a trying day. If Abbas could get into her room, who was to say others couldn't? Could she really risk that right now? Put others in danger because she didn't want to go? No, she couldn't. [color=a187be]"Yes, a good idea. If Sgt. Walsh does not mind, I would be very thankful to be able to hold up in the care of your guards for the evening Lord Major. It is very generous of you,"[/color] she said softly. [color=a187be]"Perhaps it would be best if we all did. Just to be safe."[/color] Peter nodded slightly, giving a sideways glance towards Haakon. The man had irked him earlier but he had performed as a gentleman for these ladies since then. To that he had to concede. [color=82ca9d]"Quite right, would you all care to accompany us this evening? Safety in numbers,"[/color] he said giving a nod of the head towards Haakon. [hr][center][h1][b][i]Elsewhere In The City[/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] "Ah yes, very good." The Doctor turned and went back to his bag, letting go of her hand gently. Pulling out a glass bottle labeled Carron Oil and some cotton batting. "This mixture has proven to do well with healing and pain relief for ironworkers in Scotland. It should work well for you. The scarring I am afraid there is nothing to do about that than perhaps a trinket to cover it to keep others from noticing. Wouldn't want your husbandly prospects to see such a blemish," he said as he came back to her and applied a liberal amount to all sides before wrapping it up safety. Resting the bottles on the table he closed his bag. "I will leave these with you. Change twice a day. I would say more to keep it clean but considering you shouldn't be doing anything to dirty yourself I doubt it would be an issue," he said, his brows crinkling as he chuckled to himself. What a funny man he was. "Bill will be put on your tab and mailed by the end of the month, should you need more please let me know. And do be careful Lady Kingston, I shant speak a word of this but others will gossip if they should see such a wound. Remember, bobbles and trinkets to cut back on loose lips," he chuckled before showing himself out. At the barracks things were quiet, well okay. They weren't. Vera had woken up suddenly seemingly scared out of her wits, sweet breaking on her brow as she looked around wide eyed. It took her a moment to get her barrings and to see Lauren sitting there. When she did she just giggled. [color=f7976a]"Run, run, run, got to be speedy!" [/color]With that she was back on her back and passed out cold once again. She must have still been still asleep, half drunkenly scared by some nightmare but there was nothing else from her. Just those few words before her eyes closed again and she went back to the soft whistle of slumber. Was she known for speaking in her sleep?