[quote=@Rai] [Center][H1]*Fin*[/h1] Obligatory soundtrack [Youtube]https://youtu.be/xt544bCPqAw[/youtube][/center] [/quote] [B]Part 1[/b] Velai felt Alexis's visceral reaction to her mention of Suley's companion, Soron. She could tell she was taken back by the thought, as if it never crossed her mind. This eased her as her and Alexis seemed on the same page. Velai's wings made a slow retreat from around Alexis before she gently broke the embrace. "If anyone is to blame for me being away its [i]him[/i]." She turned her gaze to Suleykaar with a whirl of her hair. Her eyes lowered as she judged his appearance through her hair. She seeked to decipher what parts of him were dragon, and which was not. His eyes and intimidating presence were clearly of dragon origin, she thought to herself. Everything else to her was beautiful, and her glances were to hide her awe. But allow her to observe what seemed to be unreal. Her eyes looked back to Alexis with a smile, her hair moving still as she parted her lips to speak. "It's good to be busy though. Besides it's not even night yet." She rolled her eyes at the last part as if coming to the realisation at this moment. "Anyways be back!" Velai backed up and turned before walking away, giving Alexis a feint wave. Velai returned briefly but this time to Suleykaar. She wiped down a table as he spoke to her about his carnal abilities. She felt his words intoxicating her imagination, she couldnt bare to look him in the eyes and have him see how helpless she felt. It was far too scary to be alone with this man, despite how alluring he was. She arched her back as she stood up straight after wiping the table. Admiring her work as her reflection was now showing on the surface of the polished wood. She noticed Soron returning, her feet sensing the vibrations of his feet hitting and bending the wooden floor. He leaned into Suley and they spoke in thier language she still felt was odd. To her surprise Suleykaar began calling for everyones attention. His prior whimsical display of fortune guaranteed most of the patron's attention. When the brash dragon that loved the pleasures of descendants spoke those even outside the inn who could hear listened. Those inside with mugs and cups raised them up with a unified. [B]"HAAIIII!"[/b] Before breaking up into their own laughs and chuckles that filled the room. Velai gently bowed to be respectful to the patrons, many of them admiring her from afar. Many knew her from previous moments at the establishment and scanned her outlines like many times before. Some sucking under their breath. Some felt they knew Suleykaar's display meant Velai was under his influence. Their resentment was stayed back by the drinks that filled their blood streams. The prospect of gambling and a combat display outside of the arenas of Fotia invigorated over a dozen Sol men of working class to follow Suleykaar. Many pouring outside, with others sitting inside to watch from the two front windows. A large hat was on the ground and money was thrown into it. Fotian coins filling it up. Others took off their hats or emptied their mugs to accept bets. "Money is on the big cold looking fella! Ive seen eyes like those behind the bars of the murderer's pit." A hefty Sol man with large antler like horns laughed with his belly shaking a bit up and down. His mouth blew out a thick plume of smoke that he inhaled from a burning cigar. The busy marketplace cast a single giant moving shadow next to the congregation. A small and broken crowd formed around Soron and Ava, making sure to keep a safe distance when doing so. Being almost dragged along by Suleykaar and Alexis, Velai stood behind the group as she turned back in concern to look at the windows of the inn. Seeing her coworkers taking a breather from the crowd of men exiting to watch this fight. Velai noticed Lila outside and immediately froze. Not only was she out here around all of these innocent people, to see a fight she could not see, but she was with Alexis. This perpelexed her enough to warrant her own investigation. Approaching the two from behind she embraced Alexis from behind. Being slighty taller she rested her arms over her shoulders. "Who do you think will w-" She was cut off by the battle commencing. She rose her head up, still attached to Alexis as if she forgot she was invading her space, and was hypnotized by the display. That girl was a monster, much like how she imagined Lila to be when upset. But Soron seemed to be the main attraction. "Wwwoowa.." She let out. The battle raged on. Soron wowing the crowd with his smoke and rune spells. The mystery behind his runes excited a few patrons but their applause came when Ava and him turned up the intensity. Blood being drawn gave the sober onlookers cause for concern. [I]Why are they killing each other?[/i] Many thought before whispering how vile some foreigners to Vrondi could be. [I]Where are the guards?[/i] Soron appeared to deal a final blow. Many winced and cringed at the impact. Ava leaving a body sized crater in the stone and wood ground garnered the attention of nearly everyone that walked and sold around the statue of Mirror in the middle of the town floor. They looked with fear and shock before resigning to their curiousity of the growing crowd. Many that did not move along after a glance sat and watched in awe. The blood that spilled on the ground was evidence enough that these two were not simply performing. [HIDER=Part2] The guards were briefing at the front gates in a organized fashion. Their superior read from a piece of paper that was unrolled and held its curve at its ends. He read a ceremonial letter from the king Vrondi. The text shimmered in the light with a orange fiery tint. He spoke with conviction to his gaurds that were feeling uneasy about the coming night. But as he spoke his voice was stifled by the loud crash of Soron and Ava's battle. He looked up as the guards before him turned their heads in unison. Sword sheathes sang with the hiss of vipers as their blades were freed. They began making their way to the second floor. Guards that were already on the floor took notice when Soron began using smoke. However they could not push through the crowds until Ava was put to the ground. Thats when they saw her silhouette in the clearing dust and rubble. Her anger grew, her murderous intent was made clear through hey eyes. But for those [i]within[/i] the tree the arrival of a murderous intent within Sunfire projected a rampant scan. [I]Found the outlier. Commence intercept.. [/i] At the moment Ava opened her mouth to spit her fire a beam of light came down from above and hit the ground next ro her. The beam was miniscule and invisible to the naked eye for being so. Ava's flame was still a candle by the time this was complete. The light retained form as a constant. It etched into existence from the very souls of his feet to the very tip of his slender sharp horns. The tall mass that stood there was in the shape of a man. The piercing light reeled back as if sentient. Coiling into a vortex that centered into this mans form. The form of King Vrondi. However it lacked a face that had features nor did his attire or markings have a visibility beyond pure light. These occurrences underwent within a time frame beyond the comprehension of those around him. He rose to the air until he almost reached the ceiling. Arms extended outward and legs closed like an ascending soul into light. This ascending light remained midair and in place. Waiting, patiently, for a portal to open above it. A portal that was pure white inside with a glowing outline of sparks. The body of light welcomed the arrival of this phenomenon. But the people could only look on in fear, flames engulfing their pupils. They began to run for what futile effort that would be. Large objects were dropped from the portal. Each one looking like a very large armored garment. At that moment the flames were deflected with great effort and were manipulated into the air to eventually meet the ceiling of the Sunfire's second floor. While it did look like sky blue clouds and a sun overhead it was not actually case. Many a new traveler forget this. The most common being flying ones from Gaia beating against the ceiling by mistake. The flames that headed for the ceiling were forming into shadows. As they did so they evaporated from existence. The fiery light that roared in a massive storm of fire directed itself in streams to the form of light. The pieces of armor that fell from above it floated around it like a gravitational force, oddly perfectly. Soon all was lost in a blinding flash of light. Emerging from that light was a massive armored man. His body glowed with intesity that made steam escape its form. The very surface of it glowed hot red and bubbled with intense fireballs flucuating beneath its body, most noticeable were the arms. [Url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/fc4b/f/2008/054/a/9/dw3___o_holy_knight_02_by_xadhoom.jpg]This entity[/url] was recognizable to all Sol an Seraphim alike as King Vrondi's Eternal Guardian. It barrelled through what remained of the flames. Scattering them and causing fire to hit random areas. As people ran fire rained down in sparks around the town. Causing people to panic. A few fires from the earlier projection of the the attack Ava displayed were already feeding. However as Alexis prayed to heal Soron, in doing so she removed the flames from the vacinity of those around her, this including the inn. The titan in armor landed on the ground with a heavy quake. The limbs of the tree felt a twinge from this landing. The King's armor was immeasurable in its density and always had a almost endless earth shaking ability. However this was in control as it walked to the center of smoke and dust that began the battle. A few Lassa traders helped subdue the fires around the main district where the water around Mirror's memorial were. Using the water source of the memorial to combat the flames that got within their range. The guards arrived behind the guardian and began breaking off between the shops to help put out fires. Healers from the Taxis exited the temple to aid the injured. Though thankfully not many. While they did this the guardian stood in front of the inn, but from the the location Soron and Ava began fighting. [I]Murderous intent lost.. Resuming priority 2.[/i] The large armored hulk marched its way with a stylized slow pace that made a crashing sound with each step. It reached a wall and raised its right gauntlet to the wall and as it did so a green light came from its natural hue. The thick wooden material warped and opened like a portal to the outside. A beacon of outdoor sunlight coming through to challenge the accuracy of the Sunfire tree's sunlight sky. The wall did not make a sound as this happened, it did not snap like it should have when being contorted so irreparably. But it held as the massive gap remained long enough for the guardian to escape from it, it reverting to its old form of a solid wall immediately after. The guards began questioning people after getting them settled by either putting out their fire or telling them the threat was eliminated. In return for their cooperation the guards and those confused and afraid of what transpired during such troubling times made a secret pact to make good on that promise and see justice was served swiftly. [/hider] [Hider=Part 3.] Velai rushed in with Lila. Holding the door open for her. Though Lila may have been too excitable at this point to notice Velai. She still remained close. Though she felt she may have almost died by the fire outside. So much chaos so suddenly and without warning made her feel delirious. Feeling out of it she wanted to do her job to the utmost. Mirror may visit soon after such a terrifying day. Now she just needed to help maintain another one of Mirror's things. With a blade that was sheathed beneath her inner thigh she slit her hand. The sting of the cut not reaching her threshold yet. She raised it above a empty beer mug and poured her blood within. She winced while squeezing her hand. She then knelt down with her hair covering her face as she faced the floor. After some struggling her hands met and a light began to escape from behind their palms. She was down for only a moment before wraping her hand up and keeping a steady free hand now holding the mug. She grabbed Lilas small hand and placed the mug in it, trying to coerce her to drink like a mother to a learning infant. Her lids narrowed as she felt accomplished with her task of keeping Lila happy. And in turn her boss happy. She had time also. The tragedy outside caused those patrons who were enjoying the drinks and banter to scurry away. They felt a danger on the second floor that has never been felt in a while by so many people at once. So thale bar and inn were nearly empty.[/hider][@Sohtem][@Vesuvius00][@FallenTrinity][@13org] [hider=Bath] The miniscule stream of water escaped from the walls and down the rocks. Steam steadily rising, defying gravity as the water succumbed to it. The steady sound of multiple small falls of water pouring into the larger bath was calming. The voice of the being that appearened before Shanna had a relaxed and calm female voice that almost matched the singular tone of calm coming from the waters. This mysterious feminine form lifted its tall slender body up and then began floating down to Shanna after stepping off the stones ledge. Feet lowered as her silhoutted toes pointed to the ground. Her graceful decent left clouds of steam behind her, flowing from her wings as if they were constantly evaporating. The spirit came before Shanna. Its faceless form looking down on her with an eerie silence it watched her. [I]Death looms over this land. The Aion seeks those seraphim who are strong.. and capable.[/i] The body began to kneel down and hug Shanna. But instead of a body she would feel warmth embracing and engulfing her. [I]Your brothers and sisters.. need your abilities in the coming night... No riches or glory is beyond the love of a serpahim..[/i] As this voice echoed a hand could be felt touching Shanna's small chest over her heart. This lasted only a few seconds before the mist began to lift off of Shanna. Returning to normal steam.[/hider] -----[@WingsOfBronze]