[quote=@Rtron] Reasons both practical and emotional. Practical: This gives Vestec away to cause chaos with a far more subtler touch and balance things out (I.E: Keriss vs Thulemiz [who Vestec is also directly responsible for...not this iteration, but still]) Emotional: This is a little more complicated. Vestec genuinely cares for most his divine siblings (Julky and Reathos being special cases). That being said, he also knows his role in the pantheon is to be their antagonist. This means he's alienated or pissed off most of the divinity, or has plans too. The only three he hasn't are missing (Zephy and Astarte) or dead (Mind deity). Children ensure that while he still does what he does (Antagonize and challenge them) there is still at least a few divine beings that don't loathe him. [/quote] So it's a long term plan to spread more chaos. Great.