[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4d/d5/79/4dd5792216ee89a05ca2906cec5adb58.jpg [/img][/center] [h1][center][b]Enter Kilgarrah[/b][/center][/h1] [center][i]Somewhere upon the mountains of Vrondi[/i][/center] [hr] There upon a cliff, slumbered the white scaled champion. The imperfect dragon slowly rose from his late dormancy, and upon inspecting the light from the magnificent sun, he had realized how long he has slept. The drake flexed and stretched the muscles in his body, moving his neck, tail, jaws, and legs since having rested for so long made him rather sore. Once he had completed awakening his body, Kilgarrah stepped to the edge of the cliff. Eyes hinted with the blood of a divine stared at the land below. Usually, he would have gone hunting by now, but something about the air felt off. His blood was boiling with some sensation of..darkness? There was something wrong going on in the world he lived in, he had felt this omen-like dread for a few days now, but today it was stronger. It was as if something was calling him to aid against the struggle of darkness itself. Now was the time. He had spent a great deal of experience training in the wilds. The dreams of being an almighty savior now seemed to be closer within reach. Dread had turned into excitement as the beast spread all four of his wings. His pose caused the sunlight to glare against his magnificent horn like a shard of glass or bright metal. As if answering the imaginary plead for his help, Kilgarrah responded with a roar of his draconic heritage. He then used his immaculate wings to carry him into the sky above.