[quote=@Western Robot] [/quote] Finally Done! or at least, like, 95% done, I'll filli n the last tweaks on the second one after dinner, but otherwise I'm ready to post them and have them either accepted or ripped apart and in need of repair XD Admitedly, I may have gone more 'monster' than necessary, but I've always had a thing for playing fluffy monsters XD Hopefully it's not 'too' big a deal. It's entirely possible that I messed something up during the process of putting things together. [hider=Furor Entropis] [center][color=red][h2]"Hoho, Darling, what fun is there in making sense?"[/h2] [h3][sub]"On a side note, has anyone else looked at the snippet next to 'indention' in the formating cheetsheet in the bottom of your website? hmhm, and people think 'I' speak gibberish sometimes!"[/sub][/h3][/color][/center] Name: Furor Entropis [color=red][sub]"That's pronounced 'Fyoo-roar' bee tee dubs, not like furher, and yes, I chose that name, no my original one doesn't matter, it's gone."[/sub][/color] Age (Magical Girl): 12 Age (Before Magical Girl): 28 Gender: Female [color=red]"Might be a bit moot actually, I still call myself a dude ;P and I'm kindof androgynous out of disguise aren't I?"[/color] Gender (Before Magical Girl): Male Appearance: [hider=Disguise] [color=red]"Look at this silly outfit... so 'nice' and 'organized', so symetrical... No wonder it feels like a Prison when I'm disguised in this... But hey, at least I'm not stuck in the body of a tiny little girl, I 'like' being tall thank you!"[/color] [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/2759/th/pre/f/2012/178/7/8/touhou___byakuren_dazzling_magic_by_takuneru-d551mnh.jpg[/img] [/hider] [Hider=elabroate outfit] [color=red]'just' the outfit, obviously, I wouldn't want to steal someone's character now would I? But I 'do' adore the wierdness of it, and Just couldn't start this without a top-hat to pull strange objects out of! It even has a skirt, and look at the floof! :D! Though I'm sure it looks down-right weird on me out of disguise, That's part of the fun!... also... substitute the white for pink, I like pink on black, heheh.[/color] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/0f26/f/2014/240/c/c/dante_by_eeriezombie-d7x1x1y.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Undisguised Monster Form] [color=red]Oh just look at that handsome bugger! Yes, that's me, fluffy, flexible, and huggable! Go on, you know you want to! Everyone knows little girls can't resist hugging fluffy things that aren't trying to kill them!... Granted, I might be a little big for their comfort at times, but I'm totally a softy, I promise.[/color] [img]http://oi66.tinypic.com/e8jvqt.jpg[/img] [/hider] Specialization: Empathic - [color=red]hoho, it's such an interesting thing isn't it? Being able to read everyone's emotions, 'taste' them, it's so delightfully weird! Alls the better that I can use them for myself. I like most of the flavors that people feel, although I do find that hate leaves the taste of fecal ash in my mouth and it utterly disgusts me.[/color] Oddball [Chaos] - [hider=chaos]Chaos, in this case, is reffered to as it's fundamental universal concept, as the counter-balance to order, as Disorder, confusion, discord, pandemonium, counter-reality, etcetera. Chaos as a conceptual power pushes against it's counter-concept of order, disorganizing the organized, confusing the certain, distabalizing what seems like reality... In short, Chaos warps reality to varying degrees. It's difficult to add clarity to a description of 'chaos power', but given context here, It can do a great many things so long as they fall under the concept of chaos, not at the same efficacy as those specialized in individual things... For exmaple, 'defying the ordered reality that getting cut had wounded someone', it would have essentially the same effect as a Reinforcer healing the wound their own way, but it takes more effort and energy as it defies reality around the event. Another example might be fooling an opponent with conjured illusions, showing them an unrealistic environment... now this one would depend on the level of out-put of it's source, it could simply be illusion, harmless, if confusing, though if one has sufficient magic and motivation to put behind such an effect it could create a literal warping of reality to create unexpected hazards. The basic concept is that Chaos is an 'incredibly' varied power to have with few hard limitations, but costly to make stand up to anything it's trying to imitate, and most truly astounding effects that it can create are beyond the reach of lesser beings utilizing chaotic power. [color=red]"Since this guy has a habit of rambling on about this, I'll make it shorter for you! I can do all kinds of things that defy reality, 'imitate' a lot of other specializations, though only if there is a way to do so by countering order. In order [heheh] to really warp reality without exhausting myself, or getting my stats jacked up first, I'll need to absorb a lot of confusion, uncertainty, disturbance, things like that, through empathy in order to power it. Otherwise it's mostly small things and illusions. ;3... Or, of course, conjuring things from hammerspace!... I also sometimes use it to mess with people's heads and see what I can get them to do... Though more often than not i'm going to use it for comedic effect! :D Or harmless things, like what i'm doing right now! you know, breaking the fourth wall! I'm sure you could guess that though. Don't worry Mister Western, I'll be responsible with it!... probably. ... Oh! I should also mention, there's kindof a range factor as well. I can do the 'most' for the 'least' cost when I touch things directly, but the farther something is away from me the less efficient affecting it is.[/color] [/hider] Weapon: Mystic Fist - [color=red]My claws, actually, are my 'mystic fists', They channel my magic, they punch or claw faces, they poke their way into pretty little heads to seed ideas and- oh, wait, I'm not supposed to mention that part, oopsie! I suppose I should elaborate... They let my touch admplify the empathic effects of my magic and are used to channel chaos... It 'might've' looked like some kind of separate equipment 'before' I ended up transforming, but i'm not complaining, I mean, aren't these fluffy claws just adorable? So unassuming, nobody would think I could just snap my claws to release a spell, heehee.[/color] Power: Power of Friendship: [color=red]Now... aside from the obvious benefit I get from knowing how to make people happy while I can feed on that to my own benefit, I would like to point out that contrary to a more common belief Chaotic beings don't 'have' to be evil. I happen to like making friends you know, I might even try not to mess with their heads so much, or do so in a beneficial way... I rather dislike when a 'friend' runs off angry and gets themselves killed.[/color] Regeneration: [color=red]Heheheh, if I'm being honest, this is just fun. I mean, a lot of people can use regeneration to 'fix' themselves, but I've only seen Chaotic Regeneration let me pop things off to freak people out with!... I should clarify, that only works if I do it on purpose, it still hurts and bleeds if someone else does it... Please don't pull my arms off. D:[/color] Perks: Dual Weapon [combat] Enhanced Transformation [combat] Big Backpack [support] Environmental Sealing [support] Enhanced Sustenance Flexibility[origin] - [color=red]Wiggly wiggly wiggly... Just call me a fluffy noodle dragon! :D[/color] Wings[origin] Disguise Artifact [from patron] Patron: Mr. Chaos [color=red]No really, he just calls himself 'Mr. Chaos'[/color] Patron Benefits: Marked - [color=red]You could say I'm marked by chaos... there's an inherent air of disorder around me, though it doesn't 'directly' unnarve people I'd say... So much as the occasional inexplicable happenings around me might, like a near little stack of papers will un-neat themselves, painting's might skew slightly, cloths might wrinkle... It makes the environment around me inspire a feeling of disorder, though I myself don't affect it on people... I suppose you could also call my 'excessively monstrous form' a mark of chaos too.[/color] Reasonable - [color=red]Mr. Chaos 'is' a reasonable person! Patience, Subtle... I would say his goal is 'bigger' than most though, while his methods profer sublty, doing seemingly small things and watching the effects they cause spread to greater effect than most would think they possibly could.[/color] Magical Overload - [color=red]This was kindof unavoidable, I mean, chaos is a 'huge' concept, It might have been agonizing at first, but I'm actually greatful for it! Really, my understanding of the world is expanded amazingly by all of this. [/color] Mana Font - [color=red]Must... resist... Power overwhelming... memes...[/color] Minions - [color=red]Now, it'd be less accurate to say Mr.chaos 'has' minions, and more that he, and by extension 'I', can use the power of Chaos to 'make' minions, out of just about anything that isn't protected against it, from animating chairs to mutating a pile of leaves into a 'swamp thing'... what they can do and how well depends on what they're made of and how much magic goes into it... But hey, it's AMAZING for halloween hay-rides! :D[/color] Gifted Item - Disguise Artifact [color=red]Well 'duh', it's not very subtle if I have trouble disguising myself and everyone knows there's a chaos noodle on the loose, heheh.[/color] Patron Drawbacks: Bane - [color=red]Order... Ugh... Now, I realize it might be an odd thing to call a weakness, and understanding it can be weird considering a lot of people understand 'order' as what 'good strives for' and implies this makes 'good things' poisonous to me... Not the case. See, my natural aura of chaos is enough to resist and break 'natural order', hence things 'disorganizing' around me by nature to make me more comfortable, though things like perfectly organized stacks of paper are a small example that 'does' count... Although it'd take a massive flawlessly stacked and strapped down ware-house full of paper to really 'hurt' me any... Though things I 'can't' disorder do kindof grate my nerves a bit. Of course, the bigger threat is 'deliberate' order, magical order, protective order, barriers, 'order blessed' objects... *Violent shudders* or, horrors forbid, 'Zealous religious order'... Something about people submitting their minds so blindly to another's control, letting themselves be 'ordered perfectly', it sickens me... Unfortunate that my pain at such things encourages them to think they've made the 'right choice' in submitting, the poor things have no idea that they're the ones promoting wickedness. [/color] Mind-bent - [color=red]Well I mean... How can I 'not' be crazy? I suppose you could say I'm a bit of reverse OCD, in that things that most OCD people do I feel the need to undo, but that's the little things. I see the world in weird ways that I can't really portray to other people, though that's not exactly a 'disadvantage'... Sorry, I'm used to looking at a lot of things people call 'disadvantages' as not so bad, or even strengths! I mean, my insanity works perfectly for helping me utilize chaos magic! It takes powerful imagination, unrestricted views of 'what is reality', and perhaps a sickenign disdain for overly orderly things... *snaps claws* AH! That'll do! I have an obscene compulsion to undo orderly things, I mean I can resist it usually, I still have free will and common sense, but every oppurtunity I can take without attracting a fight... Then again, even my mind doesn't catch 'every' hint that messing something up might attract the wrong attention.[/color] Big Brother - [color=red]I don't mind the invasive watching, poor Mister Chaos doesn't have much better to do than watch the few he's got working for him. It's not like I 'could' hide anything from him, though he's also got entertaining things to say.[/color] Monstrous Form - [color=red]Well it was also unavoidable, but hey, I like my fascinating new body! 'I' happen to think I'm a handsome not so little monster![/color] Empty Pockets - [color=red]Well, Mister chaos doesn't generally have need of money, and the things we do don't usually require money to get done. I don't mind really, I'm not afraid to do all kinds of fun little odjobs to get me some cash.[/color] Mutations: Second Specialization Chaos Engine - Non-standard Limbs [Serpentine Chimera, Full body] Wings Fighting Style: [color=red]Subterfuge, Ambush, Distraction, Manipulation... I won't hide the fact that I'm not the best fighter up-front, though I can be hard to hide, wily and wiggly and dodgy, I much prefer more indirect methods, whether that means helping 'someone else' fight better, or manipulating my enemy directly... I mean, nothing is more hilarious than someone firing off some big angry attack to try and destroy me, only to mistake the reality of their surroundings and hit 'themselves' with it, hmhm... that said, I 'am' perfectly capable of putting out enough destructive force to actually hurt things, I just usually prefer to only do so when I know it'll net me the win.[/color] How does your character combine their magic, weapon, power, and perks into one coherent whole? Stats (Untransformed): STR:3 AGI:4 VIT:5 MAG:3 LCK:3 Stats (Transformed): STR:11 AGI:8 VIT:8 MAG:12 LCK:7 [Hider=effects] Overdeveloped: +1vit-|- Empathic: +1Mag, +2Luck Oddball[Monster Spec]: +2Mag, +1Vit Mystic Fist Weapon: +2STR, +1Mag Elaborate Outfit: +1Mag Enhanced Sustenance: +1VIT-|- Flexibility: +1Agi-|- Monster Wings: +1Agi 2 silver and 2 bronze left: +2+1STR, +2MAG, +1lck [/hider] Personality: I... Honestly feel like the snippets of Fourth wall breaking so far say more about this than I could :D History: [color=red]It's weird isn't it? The things that'll change your life for the most insanely wild things... I mean, it 'was' an emergency, Some random giant monster's on the loose... Admitedly, My memory from before my transformation truly settled is kindof fuzzy, I hardly remember much aside from the creature's being 'big', but I do remember that I wasn't a very easily trusting person, though I had an extremely open mind and an incredible imagination, but this also told me all I needed to know about the ways people could fuck with my head and use me for whatever agenda they had... I 'hated' that, being manipulated, being 'used', I 'hated' already that people who try to grind existence down into a controlleable form they could get the most controlleable profit out of. Didn't have much choice when my city was attacked by a bunch of monsters and some stupid Marshmallow thing that thought 'I' was stupid but useful showed up to offer me wild magical power to fight with... I never believed anything so amazing could 'ever' be just 'given' without strings attached... Alas, again, There wasn't much choice, I wasn't the kind of person to just let them run amok and kill everything. I like choas even then in a way, it was entertaining when things weren't boring and bland, but I didn't support wanton blood-spattered chaos. As luck would have it, I was given a choice, in the form of Mister Chaos intervening, quite literally walking right out of Reality itself [don't ask me to describe that, please.] and calling out 'Not so fast you silly little marshmallow!' and spirited me away to become his soldier of chaos!... Granted, 'you' don't know if I'm telling the truth about this, I even said my memory was fuzzy ;3 but that 'is' the way 'I' see it... I also vaguely remember digging into the simpler monster's mind's and leading them to destroy eachother before finishing off what was left. Naturally, people who saw 'me' freaked out too, blamed it on me, blah dee blah, I didn't have any reason to stick around and wait for someone else with any power to actually show up and attack me, and their hate was pretty quickly making me want to puke...[/color] Incantation: [color=red]"Magi mado... something... What? I work for Chaos, Why would I have a normal catch-phrase?"[/color] [color=red]Ironically, that this silliness fits Chaos just right... Oh fine, I suppose I'll make something up to fit the theme...[/color] [color=red]... Now it just feels silly though...meh... how about...[/color] [color=red]"Rise up Chaos, Crush boredom and fill the world with Excitement, Spread the Chaotic Furor!"[/color] Additional Info: [/hider] [hider=Mr Chaos] Type: Horror Name: Mr. Chaos Patron Benefits: Reasonable Mana Font Minions Patron Drawbacks: Bane Mind-bent Big Brother Empty Pockets Personality: HE IS UNFATHOMABLE! MUWAHAHHAHAHAH!... well, not really, but he is an excessively mysterious sort, if you aren't working for him you can probably expect whatever he's told you to be 50/50 between bull and blessing. History: There's... Actually not much to elaborate here other than what he may have told Furor, something about traveling the multiverse tweaking the balance of power whenever he came across something with too much effort going into spreading 'order' and needing a little 'repair'... otherwise, he seems to be the kind of creature who's 'big interest in mortal worlds' is entertainment and doesn't generally have need of wanton slaughter like some of the others might. Resources: A few magical girls and monsters follow him, miniscule in number compared to most other patrons, but he favors 'fewer, subtler, yet highly effective moves.' He's rarely had any big use or interest in 'money', but Chaos in itself technically allows him, and his followers, to turn the environment itself into resources or assets... That said, there is little 'strict loyalty', so one might consider 'freedom' a prime resource of Chaos that allows those working for him to work for anyone else willing to employ them. Additional Info: [/hider] [hider=Fiona Magnolia] Name: Fiona 'Ferro' Magnolia Age (Magical Girl): 8 Age (Before Magical Girl): 24 Gender: Female Gender (Before Magical Girl): Female Appearance: Overdeveloped, Elaborate [hider=The disguise] Actually Kindof short given the unlucky low age she got, even if she's a bit big for that age. [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/c9bc/f/2010/335/b/1/military_commission_by_nekochank-d341nqf.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=The outfit] I dig the floof... even better that it kinda fits the feromagnetic fluid look of the gooey form. [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/1b62/i/2016/182/7/b/outfit_design___303____closed_by_lotuslumino-da8bwtt.png[/img] [/hider] Now, I do apologize for the 'darker theme' of this images background, An idea hit me when I thought of 'metal, gravity, and amorphous' and it was just the only thing I could find suiting the body type I had imagined... at least, the only thing that was suitable for this website anyway. [hider=The monster] 'Much' taller once undisguised, though given that her body is Amorphous in nature due to mutation, It should come as no surprise that this can be tweaked regularly, among other details. [img]http://oi64.tinypic.com/5zfdi0.jpg[/img] [/hider] Specialization: Metal, Gravity Weapon: Fist, Mystic [hider=Metal Crusher] A 'quartet' of matching, mechanical, clawed gauntlets, for both arms 'and' legs, though given her amorphous body type it's considerably easier to make use of such an unusual layout. [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/2f00/th/pre/f/2016/161/c/2/red_tremor_claw_gauntlets_by_twohornsunited-da5ph0x.png[/img] [/hider] Power: Third Eye, Regeneration [gold] Perks: Flexibility [monster perk] Gifted [bronzed] Mystic Artifact Money Environmental sealing [Silver] Dual weapon Martial Training Enhanced Sustenance Patron: Free agent Patron Benefits: Magical Overload Patron Drawbacks: Monstrous form Mutations: Nonstandard Limbs - Alien, Predatory style Amorphous - +2VIT, +Flexibility Builder - Weakness - Oddball [Anti-magnetism] [Hider=explanation] it might be 'odd' to use 'odd-ball' as a weakness, but I shall explain this a bit more, since the theme I was going for with what I ended up rolling was 'magnetism', it just seemed like a good thing to use. Anti-magnetism could come from a number of sources, various forms of earth, gravity, or electric effects could potentially fall under the category, though the 'base' effects of those elements may not inherently count as part of the weakness, things that disrupt the 'magnetism' of her body would, whatever those may be... I think this actually includes straight up 'lead'... [Though to clarify, if it doesn't 'disrupt' or 'block' magnetism, like, plastic for instance wouldn't work.] Naturally, this includes whatever divised enchantments, toys, or unique gadgets may be invented to disrupt it, right down to those little 'demagnetizer' devices some people use. [/hider] Fighting Style: 'that' depends on the situation. She prefers to ensure her own safety first, which may mean 'possessing' or producing some random machine to protect her core and give herself additional defenses. Or it may entail hiding in ambush or simply blending in to avoid the conflict entirely. However, when lacking a need to fear for her life, or given sufficient motivation despite such fear, She turns to morphing make-shift weapons out of her body or utilizing the basic abnormal properties of it to either strike from range or slip around her enemy's guard in some fashion... that is of course assuming she doesn't think up some new thing to try on the spot. Stats (Untransformed): These start at 3. CYOA options indicate if they apply out of costume as well. STR:5 AGI:4 VIT:4 MAG:4 LCK:3 Stats (Transformed): These start at 4. STR:11 AGI:10 VIT:12 MAG:14 LCK:4 Personality: History: I'm actually really hungry, so i'll fill out the rest after dinner, unless GM points out a problem with the CS, in which case I'll worry about fixing that first, or discarding, depending on how deep the problem is. Incantation: What does your character call out during their transformation sequence? Additional Info: [Hider=woobwoobwoobwoobwoob] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/1d21/f/2013/309/6/d/spinning_sergal_by_xeshaire-d5vjco9.gif[/img] [/hider] [/hider]