Ceria thought it slightly amusing that the man tried to pass off Daisy as that old witch of the sea's messenger. Daisy looked nothing like the sea. If anything, she reminded the elf of things that lay in a more upward direction. A star seemed a most apt analogy for the tiefling, in Ceria's eyes at least. As she observed her charismatic companion get socially shot down like a deer with a crossbow, the elf gazed around her at the crowd that was only just beginning to disperse after the message was heard. Ceria wondered what the crowd's initial reaction was to the message; how much they actually believed. As she looked around, there were a few people who listened intently. The majority seemed to be treating this as part of the festivities, laughing at the dragonborn. You hear some people saying things like "Yeah right, this city could never fall. Our military is too strong." Of those that were listening carefully, they seem to look perturbed at the interruption, but the crowd on the whole looked like they wanted to get on with their daily life. That was something Ceria figured it was about time her party did. [color=7CFC00][b]"Come on guys! Best not to keep the general waiting," [/b][/color]]she said in Common, looking back at her comrades briefly. [hider=Perception Roll] http://www.roleplayerguild.com/campaigns/226 [/hider]