The OOC is right over here! In this world of fantasy, and of epic tales of strong warriors, wise mages, and skilled thieves, there is one nation that is more prominent than any of its neighbors Inlustris, Luminus, and Solisa: Mystica. The kingdom of Mystica has existed for centuries, starting from the Cronus line all the way to the Aurum line in the current day. This long history came with it many threats to Mystica's security. However, most recently, there are now more dangers to this country than ever before, all of which there seems to be an evil sorcerer, who had recently taken over Solisa, behind it all. Will you stop this sorcerer, Malum? Or will the kingdom of Mystica fall, as will the other nations? Hello everyone! This is a fantasy roleplay that I've just come up with, which will be a medieval setting. While stopping Malum is the ultimate goal, the success of which will end the RP, it's going to be a long road with various story arcs, both GM-driven and ones to develop your character. Additionally, there will be a primary class (like a warrior) and an optional secondary class (like an alchemist). Want to be a warrior blacksmith? A stealth alchemist? Well, you definitely can be and many others! Plus there will be several races like humans, elves, and more! Q&A Q: Can I use my own race/class? A: Very unlikely so, unless if I think it will fit in with the lore. But in the cases of races, this is something I don't want to pass too often, so it will be near impossible to get me to permit it. Classes (especially secondary classes) are probably something I'll be more lenient on, though. Q: What are the grammar and sentence requirements? A: I'm just looking for decent grammar, enough so that it can be comprehended, and a minimum of a paragraph. I'm not asking for a novel, so don't worry. Q: How will this story go? A: As mentioned in the second paragraph, I plan to have various story arcs and to let RPers have their own story arcs for their characters as long as it doesn't mess with the current main story arc too badly. I'm willing to allow character development, but as long as you don't, say, mess with a war going on, for example. If you have more questions, then ask away! I love to see if you guys think this RP will be a good idea. EDIT: Fixed some mistakes and changed the thief class into the stealth class, though I will leave it unchanged in the opening paragraph because "skilled thieves" make more sense grammatically than "skilled stealth".