Keeping his stalker bolter at shoulder height Kurt followed his battle brothers though he kept his distance behind them as the most vulnerable. He was already aiming down his sights as they went within over the heads of the Astartes knowing that the time it took to aim if he was relaxed could be the difference between making the enemy dead or being in fact himself dead. Eventually, they came upon a particularly menacing room and he grunted a little. "Emperor, Guide my hand." he mutter under his breath before taking a heavy breath. As they went past the door that was rather suspiciously unlocked he made a questioning "hmmm" noise as they began to go in. Too late did the squad realize that they were going to someplace that was likely to be their doom when all was said an done. Luckily for him, he was at the back of the squad which lead to four actions by him. First he threw all of his frag grenades forward so that the enemy would likely be caught in the blast radius or at least in the range of considerable shrapnel damage. Then he did something between a hop and backwards step to leave the room and have the doorway as his safe point. Now of course came an extension of his self-defence policy; he dropped all of his krak grenades to the floor except two which he threw at either end of the door. He however, did not remove the pins preferring to instead have them to shoot should the enemy try to come at him through the doorway; while krak grenades did have a small radius there was enough of them to make a nice blast for any inferiority trying to end him. Finally, he took aim as best he could against the extraordinarily fast opponents and shot a few bolts. Realizing how ineffective this was due to their speed and familiarity as well as control of the locale he instead decided to just shoot wherever his allies were not providing considerable suppression and soon they would realize what he was doing thus hopefully taking advantage forcing the eldar to go into his line of fire.