"One million?!" "Yeah. I got an invitation today. I'm planning on joining with my heroes. It'll be a cinch." "Careful not to get [b]too[/b] cocky. There'll be a lot of strong duelists out to get you. Still, I wonder what you could've done to get them to notice you?" "I've been playing a few matches here and there. My winning streak's at a good...20 right now?" "..." "Boss?" "Oh, it's nothing. You just sound less excited for this than I do. I figured you'd love to make more than minimum wage for once." "You kidding? I've got everything a guy could ask for. A million bucks doesn't make much of a difference to me." "You're acting weird today, that's for sure." "Whatever. Just thought I should let you know. See ya. Don't worry, I'll remember to give the shop a shout out when I win this tournament. Don't croak till then, old man." "Pff, arrogant as ever. Best of luck." Yo turned his phone off and checked to make sure all of the things he needed were in his bag. It was a bit dusty, yeah, but he had it since middle school and it still got the job done. He had an old-school duel disk Boss gave him as a gift for his 17th, as well as his deck, which was stuffed into a little black box for safe keeping. He would have to run it by Boss sometime soon, there were some new "Vision HERO" cards that piqued his interest. Other than that, he really just had the basics. Water bottles, candy bars, and a wad of bonus cash that Boss forced him to bring. Anything to keep him out of trouble, he said. "Little bro, now's our time to shine." He spoke to the little black box as he took out of the bag. "We'll kick their asses before they know it. I promise, got it?" He smiled warmly at the box before shoving it into his backpack and zipping it up. He spun the bag around onto his bag and made his way towards the door, hoping a certain someone was asleep in the living room. "Kid..." Yo paused as he gripped onto the door handle and replied without taking his hand off. "What?" "Just...uh, be safe okay?" His father borderline mumbled out, still clinging onto a beer and rotting away on his chair in front of the TV. Something about the way he said it got Yo's blood boiling. There wasn't a hint of malice to be found in his pathetic voice, but somehow, someway, it got Yo angry. So now he pretended to care, huh? "Whatever." Yo answered aggressively. He nearly broke their old door down when he slammed it out on his way out.