Ahnasha shifted with some discomfort, carrying a distinct amount of uncertainty in her expression. As competitive as she was, and as much as she had always liked to advance her position in the pack, this was on an entire other level of importance. Unlike Sabine, she did not necessarily doubt that she had the skill or experience to be Champion, but rather, what she had learned of politics over the last few years made her worry that it would not be a good idea. "Sabine, I...well I won't say that I couldn't do it. I can fight in a lot of ways: magic, swords, bows. And I've been in leadership positions before. I know Vera and all the others from the old Bruma clan appreciate my role in saving their clan. But, I don't think it would be a good idea for me to be the center of attention. I have...abilities that many in Tamriel don't appreciate. Having a necromancer as Champion...we could lose the cooperation of a few of the Morrowind clans just based on that alone. I know there are already people there who are not particularly keen on having an Argonian Champion. But you, Sabine, are not nearly as 'offensive' of a mage as a necromancer is. People can respect you as Meesei's apprentice, and I think you're more knowledgeable than you are giving yourself credit for. Not to mention, you can definitely protect your title. You have been training and practicing under her guidance for all this time. I mean, you are older and more experienced now than Meesei was when she first found you in the Cyrodiil wilderness." Ahnasha said, attempting to be as encouraging as she could to Sabine. Although, she did not lock herself into solely supporting Sabine as Meesei's second. In fact, her attention soon shifted to Fendros beside her. "But...I would also say that you could do it, Fendros. Meesei has already trusted you as a leader for years. And you can definitely defend your title, just like any of the rest of us. I know you are not skilled with magic like Meesei, but you don't necessarily need to be, as long as you can protect yourself from it. I would say that you or Sabine would both be qualified." Ahnasha suggested. --- Julan rushed to find some parchment and ink, then simply used his own claw to write out his message. It made his handwriting even rougher than usual, but the message was mostly legible. He wrote out, in Jel, that he and Rhazii headed to the kitchen, then placed the note on his father's bed. Julan could write in both Jel and Cyrodilic, but he had chosen Jel specifically because he knew that it would be his mother that would have to read it. While Janius could understand Jel by this point, he was rarely in a position where he would have to actually read the language, instead of just listening to it. Although he did not have much of a specific plan for getting out of the castle, Julan fortunately did not need one. The guards were aware that their new guests were somehow associated with the Penitus Oculatus, and while most probably did not know why there would be children among them, they also did not question it. As a result, Julan and Rhazii faced no resistance in simply walking straight out the front door of the castle. On the way, Julan spoke quietly to Rhazii. "Okay, so, I've been thinking about it. I know father probably wouldn't want me to say he became a lycan. That's the one thing we're all supposed to lie about. So, I think we need to come up with a reason to tell them for why father left them. Maybe just...change the real story a little bit? Father told me how he ended up joining the pack, did he ever tell you?"