[hider=Veronica Freyjal.] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/4610/f/2013/322/9/e/dragonwoman_mylwaye_by_liangxinxin-d6usr41.jpg[/img] Name- Veronica Freyjal. Gender- Female. Race- Human. Age- 23 Personality(optional)- I'll leave it blank. Backstory- Veronica's parents were pirates, good ones too. Veronica was born at sea and raised on ships. She knows the life well, and feels more at home on a ship than on land. Veronica grew into being a pirate quite well. She went into battle with a smile on her face and confidence in her heart and won the hearts and minds of her crewmembers. When her parents died, the role of captain was passed to her. Veronica kept their legacy of piracy up, though she downsized their fleet. Veronica picked the best of each ship in terms of crew and equipment and sold the rest. The crewmembers that didn't make the cut were sent away with a hefty sack of gold in tow, and Veronica commanded what could be considered the most powerful ship in the sea. This went on for years, and the profits only increased after The Scorned struck. The sea lanes became crowded with more and more merchant ships since the land routes became more and more hazardous by the day. Veronica happily plundered these lines to make her ship even more fearsome. However, Veronica also began to feel bad about taking advantage of such a disastrous event, though there was little she could do to help while still maintaining her own lifestyle. When Veronica heard that The Emperor placed out a global call for help, Veronica could take her guilt no longer. Turning towards the capital with struck colors, Veronica made way to meet The Emperor and offer him a bargain. Magical abilities- Mana shot: Making use of her flintlock pistols as a focus, Veronica fires a ball of raw mana. Outside of being mana, it behaves exactly like a regular shot from one of her pistols. Combat abilities- Swordplay: Veronica is skilled with a cutlass, and carries one at all times. Pistol usage: Veronica is skilled with the use of two pistols, and carries two at all times. These pistols have been specially reinforced to handle her mana shots. Light armor usage: Being at sea means that you have to dress lightly in order to not boil between the presence of the ocean and the sun, unfortunately, this means that you spend most of the day wearing clothes over anything else. Wearing clothes means that you typically don't have much in the way of armor. Veronica has taken this into account with her fighting style, and remains quite mobile while making frequent use of parries and blocks to keep herself free from harm. Captaining: While her ship is present, Veronica can rally the crew to do many things that one cannot do alone. The most notable of these is a broadside on a target. Motive- A pardon and a chance to begin anew while easing her guilt about looting the situation. Ship name: [url=http://www.model-space.com/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/h/m/hms-victory_coloured_2.png]Dauntless[/url] Crew count: Roughly 850. Speed: Eleven knots maximum. (20 km/h) Armament- Gundeck: 30 x 2.75 ton long pattern blomefield 32 pound cannons. (15 per side.) Middle gundeck: 28 x 2.5 ton long 24 pound cannons. (14 per side.) Upper gundeck: 30 x 1.7 ton short 12 pound cannons. (15 per side.) Forecastle: 2 x medium 12 pounder cannons, and 2 x 68 pounder carronade (One of each per side.) [/hider]