[@Iatos] Alexander(the true face behind the two personalities) broke free from his shell briefly and ran after bane. [color=00a651]"Stop for a moment"[/color] he said trotting after the other colt. His voice having suddenly shifting to something different than what was already heard. He ran up to bane and cut him off and pounced in to hug him. [color=39b54a]"your not a monster"[/color] he said while heartedly with tears welling up in his eyes. [color=39b54a]"trust me....I know monsters"[/color] his words came from a dark and personal place. Being a pony of split personality he was looked down on as crazy and monsterous by most otherponies around ponyville. It may be a weird place but it seemed he was too much even for the strange inhabitants of this small town. His personalities had once taken over his entire life having been 6 or 7 of them. Most faded off.....or at least it seemed for now (dun dun dun. Forshadowing) he backed away and looked down to the ground as his tears rolled from his snout. [color=39b54a]"don't ever call yourself a monster just because your scared of your own power."[/color] he said as his eyes narrowed and he stopped his hoof looking bane in the face. [color=39b54a]"don't act like you are a monster when you probably have no idea!!"[/color] his eyes water heavily and tears poured down his face as he shouted at The other colt. Turning the other way he looked up to the sky and sighed as his mind slowly switched away from his own true self.