[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qn8PdMz.png[/img] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/821c/f/2015/080/4/5/web_material___rose_line_by_baronpluto-d8miru8.png[/img][/center] A humble chuckle managed its way out of the otherwise reserved bartender, finding Teodora's half attempt at flirting somewhat charming. However his smile quickly returned to a more mulish expression as she spoke of hunting. [color=0072bc]"Oh...Is that so?..."[/color] Soma shifted his gaze down into the empty depths of a smudged beer mug that sat in front of him just on the other side of the counter. [color=0072bc]"Well that's too bad for [i]'Livia.[/i] I don't hunt anymore."[/color] In spite of the instinctual hunger Soma felt every day, he never enjoyed feeding off humans. It was one of the main reasons his presence among the family was so obscure. Though he has killed before, it's something he strictly avoids. Soma's brow furrowed as he thought more about it. Teodora could see him briskly handling something behind the counter. The sound of a wooden cupboard opening and closing abruptly clapped out from below as the bartender slapped something onto counter. It was a bag of dark liquid. Just as briskly as he produced the bag, he punctured it with a knife, tearing a hole into its flimsy side and emptying the slightly viscus contents into the beer mug that sat in front of him. The liquid gleamed red as it poured through the air, filling the mug to about half before the contents of the bag were empty, leaving a red stained swath of plastic marked with hospital labels. [color=0072bc]"If you're hungry then here..."[/color] With a hollow clack, Soma heavily set the blood filled mug down on the wooden counter a few inches from Teodora. The chilled crimson fluid nearly spilled before settling in the mug. [color=0072bc]"There you go. Drink up..."[/color] A tinge of disdain bled through in the tone of his voice as he presented the drink. A cocktail he himself was quite familiar with, being his diet for years now. It was just one of the many illegally procured blood bags he kept near him most of all the time. Tossing the bag into a metallic trashcan underneath the bar counter, Soma grabbed a towel and began wiping some spilled blood off his fingers. [color=0072bc]"Or I guess you can do what your friend is doing and go suck off some poor vagrant in the bathroom."[/color] [center][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/821c/f/2015/080/4/5/web_material___rose_line_by_baronpluto-d8miru8.png[/img] [@canaryrose][/center]