Kusari was sliding a bottle of water into a gym bag when she heard loud banging on the door to her room. Such tactless banging could only be the school's soldiers here to drag her off somewhere again. She sighed and put the bag down. She'd been exercising early in the morning whenever she could the past week. It hadn't been long, but she could swear her body felt lighter and a bit stronger already. She chalked it up to her freakish body. Before her escort got too impatient Kusari opened the door, greeting them with a half-baked attempt at eye-contact. She didn't say anything she didn't need to, and simply followed them. The rain had looked bad from her window, but walking outside she could see that it was turning into a full on storm. The thought that they might have to fight some sort of weather manipulating creature entered her mind. Maybe that was a bit too silly even in this world. She kept her gaze low as she and her fellow students were led into a room in which many tables with screens were set up. As she listened to Commander Kardos brief them on what their mission would be, she found it odd that she wasn't afraid, at least not for herself. She was afraid for what this next mission would do to the others. Someone was going to die, of course someone was going to die. This was just normal for them now but it never stopped being frustrating. As they were split into groups she glanced over at the two girls that would be on her team. She hardly knew them besides a basic idea of what their magic could do. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep it that way. They were dismissed to the cafeteria, Kusari again kept her head down, even as she grabbed a plate of eggs and pancakes. She sat down at a table alone. As she ate she caught Callan out of the corner of her eye. She turned her gaze back down to her plate. She tried to think of the coming mission, what it meant that their target was human. She honestly couldn't care less about killing someone like that, at that point she wouldn't even call them a person. [color=662d91]Maybe she's finally realized what an asshole you are.[/color] Kusari's rogue thoughts berated her, refusing to let her think of the mission. There was a reason she'd been doing nothing but exercising. Recently Callan had been avoiding her, going so far as to turn around and hurry away from her when they crossed paths. There was also the fact that Sander and Christmas had clearly moved out of the dorm room. She tried to convince herself that it was just the director experimenting on them, or something like that. But she didn't have any excuse for why Callan was avoiding her. She felt her chest tightening. Deep down she knew it was no coincidence that the only people she'd been close to were now avoiding her. She was only doing what was right, at least that's what she thought. She could see how easily Sander and Christmas had bonded, even as she tried to get in the way of it. Callan was also getting along with others, and why wouldn't she? All Kusari had done was cause Callan grief, either traumatizing her or forcing her into an awkward position. Her heart felt as if it were going to implode. As much as she wanted to believe she would be fine, it wasn't true. She was miserable alone, and she was misery to be with.