[center][h1][color=#3068FF][b]Evelyn Chambers – [i]Tulpa[/i][/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr] As she heard and then [i]felt[/i] Protean approach, she sped up and side stepped, running diagonally as well as forwards as she upped her pace. Still some of her hair found itself snagged by the hero and she grimaced as he tugged and tore at it a bit, causing her to wince and—rather embarrassingly—squeal a little. Blushing very lightly despite herself, Evelyn had a look of Chagrin on her face, before it was replaced with relief when their trainer shifted forms again after disengaging. Then he began to speak in riddles, and immediately she caught onto one of them, her eyes lighting up, a smile crossing her features. “Queue!” She said, “Queue is the answer to the first riddle,” she clarified immediately, the words coming out more clearly as she slowed her pace back to what it had been before—mostly to conserve energy. Feeling a bit proud of herself Evelyn, nonetheless, continued running. If one of her other teammates couldn't figure out one of the riddles she'd offer to give them a break instead. After all it seemed like she might be in the best shape out of all of them, so she was fully prepared to continue the run. While fighting Protean—especially given his three transformations so far—was daunting, she'd rather she be the one to do it than put one of her teammates through that. Of course...that also depended on if she could use her power or not, regardless she was relatively well prepared for that. She hoped it wouldn't come to her using her staff against whatever wild beast Protean decided to take the form of. Besides, at least offering a helping hand to a member of her teammates—even if the shifter didn't allow it—would build rapport, which was good, right? Always good, yeah.... Her thoughts in order, she continued her run, waiting for the responses of the rest of her team. She hoped they'd do well.