Name: Tsubaki Matsushida Age: 16 Gender: Female Arcana: Hermit Equipment: Nothing Skills: Math, History, Mechanics, Technical Skills Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Tsubaki is shy and doesn't like to stand out, spending most of her time alone. She rarely ever smiles or laughs in front of others, often seeming morose. She hates people who are too nosey, and will often go out of her way to avoid people she dislikes. Fiercely protective of her way of life, Tsubaki will react negatively, sometimes aggressively towards people who try to drag her out of her shell. Still, she hates pain in all forms and will often act first to save another without wanting or expecting credit. Biography: Tsubaki lives alone in an apartment paid for by her father. She has spent most of her life trying to live up to her father's expectations, sacrificing her social and personal life to study and improve herself. If she's not studying, she's tinkering with some device or computer. Since she's the daughter of an incredibly successful businessman, she often has more money than she can spend. In her school life, Tsubaki has consistently gotten stellar grades, placing her in the top 20 of the school durring exams. Her lack of class participation, however, holds her back more often than not, and in abstract subjects such as English she is well below average. Persona Name: Persephone Appearance: [hider=image] [img][/img] [/hider] Reflects: None Absorbs: None Void: None Resist: None Weak: None Abilities: Analyze