Ombard barely managed to skid to a stop at the edge of the opening chasm, the rocks kicked up in front of him tumbling into the abyss. He swung his arms wildly in an attempt to correct himself and was about to fall in when Evvie grabbed onto his lower abdomen and hoisted him backwards to safety. She was still in pain, but thanks to the shock of it fading she was now able to behave relatively normal again until the pain would wear off completely. The two peered down into the deep chasm with curiosity for a moment, then towards each other, and then finally shifted their attention back to the man scrambling for safety on the other side. Evvie flapped her wings to easily carry herself over the gap, sticking her tongue out at the stranded Ombard. He let out a snarl as he began to navigate around the right of the chasm, never the greatest at jumping so couldn’t take his chances. This delay could have given her opponent some time to retreat, although she believed that she would still easily catch him yet again if he didn’t try another trick. This time she knew to look out for his projectile attacks so she landed down and took after him the rest of the way on foot, prepared to dodge to either side of he tried that move on her again. Getting fooled twice would be an embarrassment far worse than the pain would be. “Stop right there!” She shouted after him, even though saying such a thing was generally pointless. Her voice still sounded strained from the pain.