[quote=@TheUnknowable] [@Dankman]first question: What manner of construction are they using? Do they live in pressurized buildings, with each one being the independent from the others? If so do they have connecting corridors to form pressurized hallways or do we need to go outside to go to someone else's home? Alternatively, we could live in a pressurized crater, possibly paraterraformed, or in lava tubes or caves. Second question: Would there be outposts, possibly with a different form of habitat, where people could live away from the city but near enough to trade? I'm thinking of "Take on Mars" and various Mars themed RPs I wrote when I read this, so I just want to get the basics of the universe down. [/quote] Alright so the first one is something I probably should have written, essentially the colonies are encompassed in s giant 2km wide 5km long dome, the dome is completely pressurised and has two really useful features, the first one is a special glass that is coated in an Anti-UV compound in order to help block 85% of all the UV radiation that would other wise come into the colony. The other useful feature is an atmospheric processor that breaks down the carbon mononxide into oxygen and carbon, the carbon is then trapped into a filter and replace, the man replacing it goes untroubled by the scavengers because it's basically suicide to stop the process. The inside of the colony is arranged very much like garden cities in the UK, at the centre is a green space and park, or at least there was but anything that really grew there is dead or dying due to nobody tending to it. The second question is really simple to answer, to begin with, no there are no outposts, however I did at one point toy with the idea of having outposts lying around but I figured that due to the fact everything went to crap so suddenly in the colonies that nobody would really be in a situation where they'd have the supplies to go out and build one. [quote=@Burning Kitty] If the second colony failed because the water purification systems failed and the first colony is overrun by scavengers, who is taking care of the water purification systems of the first colony? [/quote] It's pretty crucial to the RP's plot, it's no matter what is done the RP one of the key elements of the story, if you really want to know, I can PM you it. [quote=@Mercenary Lord] Wouldn't setting fires and shooting guns inside of an atmospheric bubble of any kind be a really stupid thing to do? [/quote] Well the glass of the dome is really strong, as it would have to be, as for the fires, it is a stupid thing to do but the purification system aforementioned did a good job with it, but it's fair to say the air isn't quite the same.