Rolo felt crushed by Corinnes refusal to dance with him. At the same time though, he felt glad to know that it was because she couldn't dance either. But Rolo knew that he couldn't sit at the bar all night, languishing in his awkward, almost tragic date, whilst being judged by that smarmy bartender. He felt like such a square. Rolo knew he had to man up, if he wanted a good night with Corinne. [color=orange]"Ya know what? I can't dance either. But I don't think it matters really. As long as we're having a good time. Who knows, maybe we could get a good story out of it. Maybe a few laughs. What do you say?"[/color] said Rolo rather passionately. He couldn't remember the last time he encouraged someone like that before. It felt good. Rolo only hoped that his words would get through to Corinne.