[@carla6677][@ladyanglaise] [b]Combat and Power Control[/b] Ace was also standing in the front, looking at Cindy before following suit and crossing his arms. He waited to see who would be picked first to introduce themselves. He also had a habit of shouting everything he said so he may have to learn to quiet down if it bothered the teacher. He also noticed a familiar neko. Larry had followed instructions and saw Ace about to say his name, but he put a finger to his lips in an attempt to shush him without saying anything. [@carla6677] [b]Gym[/b] Darrell went off to the sidelines as he continued to instruct the warm up for now. Once he felt everyone was ready, he would begin the real lesson. He was gonna have them play volleyball once the warm up was finished. [b]Maths[/b] [@carla6677] Abby finally made it into math class, she tried getting directions but no one had helped her and as a result she was late. "Sorry for being late, not my fault though." She chose a desk in the middle row. [i]What a day.[/i] [b]Science[/b] [@carla6677] Ethan glared at her. "Look who's talking." He returned the smirk, letting her know her attitude didn't faze him one bit. "Ethan." He said in a non-caring tone.