[quote=@TheArhive] To be fair Albion is supposed to be the smallest continent. And to kind of the British isles to the Commonwealth side of the world. There will indeed be a larger world map which should improve the sense of scale, so ill hold off major edits till i do that. The other two continents are indeed larger, with Albion being relatively small. The map is honestly supposed to feature only the larger things on it. I'd imagine there are indeed way more islands or smaller rivers and mountains in the world. But are far too small to be drawn of the world map. I guess the art style does make it seem like they should still be there (as it is a realism style, as opposed to a old hand drawn map style where this would be obvious). Mountains Irl can also be rather large irl, i think the issue here is that this continent is indeed small, but the sense of scale is almost non exzistent as i haven't mapped the rest of the world. I will indeed keep trying to improve this map till the RP launches, and even afterwards albeit with much less major changes. I do indeed also have a blank slate map which will have it's own degree of use. Thanks for the advice mate. [/quote]Hm, if the Commonwealth is larger than us then how in the blue hell we aren't conquered yet? They are more advanced, they are bigger and they are in the colonizing biz earlier than us. Heck, why they haven't colonized the New World yet? If we're so inferior then we don't really have a place in this whole imperialism idea aside from playing second fiddle and hoping we earn a few crumpets from the bread of the Great Commonwealth. Combined we're the equivalent of Japan at best and more likely something even less. At least if our continent is bigger than the Commonwealth with combined military might enough to challenge them we can reason away why the Commonwealth don't literally own the entire world yet.