[quote=@Willy Vereb] Hm, if the Commonwealth is larger than us then how in the blue hell we aren't conquered yet? They are more advanced, they are bigger and they are in the colonizing biz earlier than us. Heck, why they haven't colonized the New World yet? If we're so inferior then we don't really have a place in this whole imperialism idea aside from playing second fiddle and hoping we earn a few crumpets from the bread of the Great Commonwealth. Combined we're the equivalent of Japan at best and more likely something even less. At least if our continent is bigger than the Commonwealth with combined military might enough to challenge them we can reason away why the Commonwealth don't literally own the entire world yet. [/quote] Question roulette? challenge accepted 1.) The Commonwealth hasn't always been this big and has only recently achieved the size that it has 2.) Albion's combined might is greater than the Commonwealth's 3.) Other factors go into play here; just because one nation is a superpower doesn't mean it conquers everything in sight. An overseas invasion is difficult and there needs to be a good reason 4.) The New World was only recently discovered; the Commonwealth very well might look into it *cough cough spoilers* but for now they have a leg down because they're more distant. Also keep in mind that not every nation would have charts of the New World, and those that do might not necessarily have good maps 5.) Boy just trust me on this (and yes I know I told you some of this on PM already, but it bears reiterating here for the benefit of others to read)