[center]Downtown[/center] Arcadis was on yet another street corner performing his illusion tricks to con people out of their money. "Come on over people see if you can find the ball!" Yeah it was an old school trick, but with his abilities he could easily control where the ball was, or at least where the poor sap saw it. Someone stepped up and put ten dollars on the table. "Ah my next victi- I mean customer. Alright keep on your eye on the ball. Arcadis shuffles around the cups with a ball under one. The guy points to the left one and Arcadis lifts the cup. "Good eye good eye. Alright give me one more try, we'll pick up the speed a bit." He shuffles the cups again but a little faster. "Ok where's the ball?" The guy points to the left cup again and Arcadis lifts the cup. "Man you're good at this." Arcadis puts a 10 on the table. "Ok double or nothing. Deal? Alright take it easy this time, you're gonna me me go broke out here." He shuffles the cups again only this time making the ball disappear. "Ok where is it?" The guy pick the right cup this time and Arcadis lifts it up. "Ohh looks like your luck ran out. Better luck next time." The guy was frustrated and tipped over the cups. There the ball was, sitting under the right cup but he couldn't see it. [Color=blue]"Where is it?"[/color] Arcadis smiles. "Check your pocket." He reached in his coat pocket and pulled out a ball, or at least he thought he did. He smiled and threw another 10 on the table and started walking away. [Color=blue]"Good trick."[/color] With that guy gone the streets were pretty empty so Arcadis decided to pick up and head out.