[@Genkai] [@LostBrotherGrimm] [@71452K] [@Kenaron] [@GingerBaron] So IC is up! Yaaaay~ I didn't get any input so I assume rounds are fine with everyone? So your intro should cover them finding the pod falling from the sky near by. It should also cover them getting in and being put into stasis via light blue liquid. 15 years later, they wake up. Time for those awkward introductions where characters try to find their true love...I mean find their arch rival...or something. Thoughts should look like [code][i]'Thinking things...'[/i][/code] And speech should look like [code][b]"Saying things..."[/b][/code] But the coding for your posts should go like: [code][center]YOUR HEADER[/center] [indent][indent]YOUR WRITING[/indent][/indent] [center][h2][color=skyblue]- - - -[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h2][color=skyblue][ 15 years later ][/color][/h2][/center] [center][h2][color=skyblue]- - - -[/color][/h2][/center] [indent][indent]MORE WRITING[/indent][/indent][/code]