The Wintergate rangers arrived to the Aetherion front mid-day mounted on powerful chocolate burnished steeds, an odd sight amongst the men who had been there long before them. They were hooded men with silverite plate armor and flowing elegant blue cloaks that fell long over their mounts backside, a stark contrast against the typical outfitted soldier. Lanik led from the front of the two columns, all neatly squared in, moving slowly through the garrisons that flanked the road on each side. The younger rangers Lanik could tell were horrified by the barbarism around them, Lanik could only hope they wouldn't make their surprise too obvious. Men from all sorts of Imperial families were having their way at their spoils. Drinking, cursing and laughing all at the expense of their dirtied slaves with lifeless eyes and lesser hope. Even Lanik himself cringed, seeing a particular slave being beat by a warrior clad in red with a whip while the men around him chanted on. It had been awhile since he fought alongside the field regiments. It had even been longer since the last time Lanik had donned his plate armor, and even now he could feel it chafing against some of his joints. From the middle of the column rose high the banner of the Ranger Covenant, its sigil, a blind-folded blue fox with barred teeth emblazoning the centerfold. He turned to his lieutenant, wide-eyed and at an obvious discomfort to such a foreign setting. "Rayne, have the men assemble their encampment..." he frowned, seeing a young slave woman being dragged into a tent by three grisly men, "Away from here, I saw a plot by the river we had passed," There was a moment of silence, then the lieutenant, caught up in the cries of the woman from within the tent snapped back to his captains attention. "Uh... yes sir, sorry, sir, I.. uhh," he stumbled on his words, then was suddenly cut off by a horrifying shriek... and then silence. "Do you understand my orders, lieutenant?" Captain Wintergate said, more stern this time around. The lieutenant nodded. "Yes sir! Column, form up on me!" The column diverted right with utmost precision, a single being made up of men on horses. With that, Lanik broke off and continued onward. He could feel eyes on him, the deathly glares of savage men who had committed atrocities he'd rather not think of. But he was used to it, already experiencing such judgment in the Imperium Southern campaigns. His Covenant was rarely deployed, and if it was things were either going extremely wrong or extremely well. If foes of this ilk had bested a prodigy swordsman like Marcus, Lanik could only hope it was the latter. Soon enough he had arrived at the command tent. He dismounted, tying off his horse to a nearby post. The stench of smoke and blood filled his senses, and he had to take a moment to compose himself before moving on. "General," Lanik spoke, stopping a distance away from the man and giving a sharp salute, "Captain Wintergate reporting as requested,"