[@Vesuvius00] Soron had laid there grunting and hissing from behind clenched jaws as the healing process began. He was cut but thankfully not bleeding because of his unique bloodline. Just enough Nayu to prevent bleeding and enough Oro to have denser blood. He was burnt badly though and could still feel the burning sensation after it had healed. She glanced over at Alexis with exhausted eyes and nodded. He tried to move but felt how tight his skin was, feeling like the worst case of sun poisoning he ever had. Gritting his teeth from behind a closed mouth he stumbled to his feet, a small flask falling out of his pocket and spilling a deep red liquid. He glanced around to see if anyone saw it. Confident no one did, he discreetly picked it up, used his fire rune to heat it up just a tad and undid the already loose lid, letting some of the blood flow down, enough to quench his thirst before wiping his lips clear and hiding it once again inside his clothing. He looked over at Suleykaar and called out to him. The dragon glanced over and responded with a dismissive wave as he finished picking up the last of the stones and placing one in his pocket, the rest in a spare bag and tossed it over to Soron. [color=9e0b0f]"Go inside and relax. That was enough fun for the day..."[/color] He said with a hint of sadness in his tone. Soron nodded and said nothing else, simply offering Alexis a hand to stand up. Suley on the other hand, stayed out side for a moment and looked around. The fear in some of their eyes, the anger...He knew this all two well. It reminded him of his time as The Fire of Fotia, in the very beginning of the dragon wars. Shaking his head he returned within the bar and made his way over to Velai and... [@Rai] [color=9e0b0f]"I suppose that doesn't come with a free sweet roll does it?"[/color] He quipped with a thin smile at the bloody looking wrist and mug. He still hid his emotion behind a rather well-disguised upbeat faux smile and tone. He looked down at the floorboards for a moment and then back to her before reaching into his sleeve to pull out the right amount of coin to pay for everything plus another small bag for the Seraphim and her hybrid sister. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm sorry m'lady but I think....It was nice meeting you..."[/color] He smiled and turned towards the door only to stop at the door and turn towards her one last time. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm serious about that flower my dear. So long as I am alive, it will never crack nor melt nor loose its beauty. Just remember me by it."[/color] With that he turned back once more towards the door and walked out. Soron lead Alexis back despite his pain and sat back down at the bar, glancing over towards the door that Suleykaar walked out. Blinking a few times he shook his head and glanced up to Velai. [color=slategray]"Did he say by chance where he was going? Probably not...Don't worry neither, he'll be back. He tends to go for a walk when he beats himself up over stuff like this."[/color] He looked at Velai and then to the Nayu girl, squinting his eyes to see if he recognized her. She looked familiar and he wasn't sure how. [@13org] [color=slategray]"Should be lucky you don't work in Nero, doing that you'd be dead within an hour or so, feeding Nayu like that..."[/color] He gave a "Hm" with a smirk as he went to finish his drink but instead firmly placed it down on the counter before running a hand through his hair. [@Sohtem] [color=slategray]"I didn't mean for it to get out of control like that, it was wrong of me. I don't know what caused it..."[/color] He glanced over to see the other two. The seraphim and the hybrid, Serena and Ava. He stood up and started to walk over, more so limp from landing wrong from Suley's wind blast. [color=slategray]"Are you two okay? Look, I lost control and..."[/color] His mouth became a thin line in frustration as he tried to think of a way to apologize.