[hr][hr] [center][h1]Juliette Morrison[/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54ma9gt7t1qdznpo.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Ghal-Priyam; The Empty Fields. [sup][b]Post In Collaboration With:[/b] None. [b]Interacting With:[/b] Luna Stevenoson ([@Caits]), Raymond Rahlei, and everyone else there.[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] Turning her head back around at the sudden call of her name, Juliette once more forced her attention to fall over in the direction that she could hear Collin’s voice coming from, mixed only with the sound of the outsiders who had so rudely intruded on a day of most sacred celebrations. A tour..? They were to go on a tour..? It was, she supposed, the only polite thing to do in this particular situation; to help them to feel welcomed into the city they had just arrived in… but there was still something about the outsiders that she didn’t seem to like… something that she didn’t trust… Had the choice not been made for her, she surely would have turn tail and hurried back to her families bar. Perhaps she was just being paranoid… Hugging the bag just that little bit closer against her chest at the thought, her mind was once more pulled back to reality as a gentle squeeze upon her side caused her attention to once more glide back up to Raymond, his sweet and constant encouragement towards her sending her heart into a flutter within the very confines of her chest. He was so unlike the others… where their touch was harsh and angered; his was kind and nurturing… something she never believed she would be able to experience in her lifetime. Giving him a soft nod of understanding, she began to move at his side. Her footsteps falling into sync with his own as the both of them brought up the rear of the group, his arm (still wrapped around her waist) helping to guide her in the right direction as they moved. Oh by the faces, how it was strange… listening to Collin speak of their home the way that he was. Everything that he was said was nothing more than common knowledge, but to the outsiders, it was all new… all exciting. It made her wonder just what their world was like… what it was that had driven them away from their home in the first place. It was all so odd thought, though one that kept her mind preoccupied even as the group slowed to an eventual stop before Gil-Bagha… “Excuse me, Ma’am? I think that’s my bag, I must have lost it when Edward fell into me, thank you for finding it!” Pulled back to the present as a rather excited sounding voice pierced through her thoughts, Juliette’s soft pink lips parted ever so slightly, a rather confused expression crossing over her features as she let her attention turn towards the voice, her gaze lingering in that particular direction for but a moment before she glanced up in Raymond’s direction, seeming to seek his help as she tried to understand more than just a few words of what had been said. “I… I do not understand…” Her voice was soft, full of honesty as she spoke out in the native tongue of Ghal-Priyam, her words not directed towards the woman who had spoken (she assumed) to her, but rather to the man who still had her held in his arms. A small smile lighting up his features as he looked down at her, Raymond chuckled softly, shaking his head lightly from side to side as he responded to her in the language she knew best, “She claims to be the owner of the bag you found, Juliette. Will you not return it..?” Her ever unseeing gaze dropping to the bag that she held in her arms, Juliette quickly nodded her head both in understanding and in answer to the question, taking a moment to readjust her grip upon it before she held it out in the direction she could remember the woman’s voice to come from, offering it out for her to take as she bowed her head slightly, her voice still soft as she spoke, this time however, in the tongue that was native to the Devil Divers. “..a-apologies…”