[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3DHrDpJ.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=a2d39c]Miyu, [s]Traitor Angel[/s] Honorless Blade[/color][/h3][/center] [color=a2d39c]"Uggh.. Huh.. Waking up from being dead usually doesn't feel this gritty.. I think I got sand in my pants.."[/color] Miyu rose from the ground, not immediately taking stock of the destruction of her Daimyo right next to her. This was quickly remedied when the next ear wrenching shriek of tortured metal was heard, and Miyu, after wincing, looked over to see BEAST eating her mech. ~Welp. My options for stopping it include yelling harshly and giving it a kick. And it's eating metal with its teeth, as some kind of mechanical hellbeast.~ Miyu stared at it dully, not really feeling her earlier enthusiasm. It had been rather dulled by literally the first thing she touched shocking her unconscious. ~Not exactly an auspicious start, but might as well.~ [color=a2d39c]"Hey, stop it. Bad hellbeast."[/color] She didn't so much yell harshly, as talk dispassionately. And her kick likely wouldn't have damaged a normal human, much less something with skin made out of metal. She mostly didn't want to hurt her foot. But it just felt proper to kick anyway. Presuming, by some miracle, it did stop, Miyu would reach inside her mech, grab a black box, and say [color=a2d39c]"Ok, go ahead, knock yourself out."[/color] If it did not, or upon retrieving the Autopilot Gestalt, Miyu would begin flying back to her factory to work on going to space. [color=a2d39c]"And I should take a bath. Definitely sand in my pants."[/color] [@Inner Demon] ~~ [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qcZ1RfK.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=456097]Artoria, Master of the Maniacal Menagerie[/color][/h3][/center] ~Hmm... Do I have a chance against her...~ Artoria pondered, her eyes searching around the array of paddles, quickly flipping out her bunny ears for a moment. ~Nope, definitely not.. Better do as she... Oh.. Wait, I already did.~ Her eyes now turned down on herself, to notice that she was indeed already sitting. Artoria, terrifying growth potential of her power aside, simply didn't have the force of personality to not follow the order of someone like Hildr. ~Dang it! How long do I stay? She didn't specify. Is she getting angry underneath that helmet, AAUUUUGH I don't know, rolling over now!~ She rolled over, already fretting slightly over whether she had or had not stayed long enough. She rolled over paws held pad and claw down towards her belly and the floor, though their position was more protecting than presenting. She was not expecting tummy rubs out of this, and her worried face and tail made this abundantly clear. [color=456097]"Lucille. That's definitely who sent me. Unless they gave me the wrong name. New ruler of hell. Wants to rescue all the people that are gonna be her minions. Or maybe punching bags. Please be merciful, uh, miss? Ma'am? Please please please?"[/color] Artoria was an undisputed master of the puppy dog eyes and ended with an excellent whine, but one didn't need Hildr's resistance to charm magic to not be swayed even the best of the puppy dog eyes. [@Lonewolf685][@TheWindel][@KoL]