The contents of the box were interesting, considering Derrick had found it under old fabric. He carefully picked up the slightly-battered crystal box. He hadn't wanted to avoid damage but he supposed it couldn't be helped. It looked rather valuable, which made him worry about holding it. The thing looked like it was worth more than everything he'd ever owned combined. There were only a few things that made Derrick uneasy, and one of those things was having something valuable. Maybe it had something to do with his early childhood, but whatever the case, he could never not worry about dropping or losing whatever it was that he had. No one would say that he was uncoordinated but valuable things tended to have a much higher risk of being dropped when he held them, and that just wouldn't do. "Um, Mistletoe, can you keep this?" Derrick asked, offering her the jeweled box. "I don't have any pockets right now, so..." That wasn't exactly true. He had his back pocket, after all, but his pants were old so the pocket could break and it could fall out. In general, it would probably be better if he didn't have it so that he wouldn't worry about it. Because it looked sort of important, and he didn't want to lose it. [@Dusksong][@Hekazu]