Azzurra's regular insomnia was bad enough as it is, and the thumping noises that echoed from the forested area right next to the college dormitory was making the night significantly worse than it already was. No matter how drained she was from the day's classes and activities, going to bed at night was still almost always an ordeal for her. The young sorceress lay in her dimly-lit quarters curled under the covers, making an attempt to calm herself and tune out the commotion that was taking place outside. [i]Deep breaths, Azzurra... you'll be drifting off to sleep in no time. Just relax...[/i] A particularly loud crash made her bolt up from her lying position. Who was she kidding? She couldn't do this! Eventually letting frustration take over, she threw the covers aside and strode up to the window, looking out over the greenery in hopes of discovering the source of the ruckus. She soon caught sight of it, raising an eyebrow at the unnatural flashes of lightning coming from the trees. Could this be the work of someone... like herself? Also, if it was, what were they doing? Figuring that she wasn't going to get any sleep either way, Azzurra pulled on her jacket and left the dormitory, heading out towards the forest to check out the possibly supernatural activity.