Against its outer wall, Dawn would hear a thud against the cottage. On the outside, Vivian pulled her knife from another woman's chest--one much taller than herself--and sat down to catch her breath. She stared up at the cloudless sky, squinting against the brightness, as the woman's body slid to the ground. "Whew," she sighed with heavy breaths. She let her knife drop to the ground beside her before leaning forward to check the body. A Liberty courier, and Vivian assumed she had been high ranking based on 1) the well crafted armor and 2) how well she put up a fight. "But I'm better," she muttered proudly to herself before pulling out a sealed envelope. She narrowed her eyes at it and turned it over: the name wasn't important but it was addressed to one of Liberty's strongholds. "Perfect." Vivian slipped the envelope under her jacket before grabbing her knife again. Looking around, she cleaned it off on the woman's clothes before standing to her full height of--.. a mere 5'1". After slipping the knife away, Vivian stretched, her nose wrinkling suddenly. Then she sniffed. Was that food? She stepped back from the body to look up at the cottage and then around one more time before approaching the front entrance.