[b][center][h3][i][color=746f6f]Nor[/color][/i][/h3] [color=#746f6f]Location:[/color] Crossed Swords Tavern [color=#746f6f]Interacting with:[/color]Magnus[/center][/b] [color=746f6f]"Like army life without the structure."[/color] Nor commented, still chewing the bread, now in a bit less of an aggressive manner. Being able to understand what the other party of a conversation is saying was a great boon in calming down. Aside from that, although he was quite young and stupid the kid seemed like he had his wits about him. Now for any supposed skill with the blade? That had to be seen later. Folks that talked a lot about wanting to fight rarely had anything to back up their stated desires. [color=746f6f]"I'm just passin' through, really. Currently on me way eo Rosthead to take care of some other business. And since I'm travelin' why not bring me trade with me? I can make a decent amount of pocket change and get me affairs sorted at the same time. Two drow with one arrow if ye will. Did nae expect te come across such a sorry state of affairs in this town. Had heard it was a bit livelier than this when I was comin through from the North."[/color]