[quote=@lavulman] MGSV struck me as more of an over-ambitious title than one he flat out didn't want to make, but I can't remember the last time Kojima didn't say that whatever MGS game he was working on was going to be his last one, so maybe he really lost enthusiasm this time around. I'd be tempted to break out the world's smallest violin for this whole dilemma where this extremely well-known and respected developer just has to keep coming back and making games with an incredible amount of creative control in an incredibly successful and renowned series, but I do tend to bitch a lot about how From Software used to have a lot more variety in their game lineup before Souls hit it big, so I guess I'd be kind of a hypocrite. I'd personally prefer it if all that time and money went into, say, Zone of the Enders 3, but I often wonder how many of those who bring up Kojima being kinda forced to work on MGS share my enthusiasm for that series (or Kojima's other work in general) or even bought them. MGS games kept getting made because they sold well, and that never really happened with anything else he made, at least in comparison. I disagree, I think there was actually a lot of potential in MGSV's plot to finally justify that incredibly dumb twist in 4 and a couple of stupid things in Peace Walker, and it does! In casette tapes that randomly appear in the inventory at the end of the game that of course got played in the trailers like they would factor into the plot in some meaningful way... Well, I guess we still got to listen to everyone prattle on about vocal chord parasites like nanomachines never went out of style. Talk about a lack of priorities. All I know for sure is that I'm finding it pretty difficult to jump on the Death Stranding hype train after taking a ride on MGSV's. [/quote] I will say I do have no love for Konami at this point but I think it was more a gradual thing rather than him just saying that at this point "I don't want to make any more." I mean, MGS4 capped the series off pretty nicely imo even if there was a few lingering holes which may have stuck around but over the years of resources and control over the same game I can see someone getting disenfranchised, like the opposite problem of having a lack of resources, having tonnes along with higher expectations and more people to please each time can probably take it out of you over time. Regardless of the reasoning (And because we've taken up most of the OOC page with essays about Metal Gear lol) MGSV is just a very flawed game to me, it's for sure the weakest of the series and whilst I was interested with the idea of the story it really didn't measure up. I'd have loved for so many of those tape recordings to be animated for even more cut-scenes, if there's a lack of them outside on the field then at least put more into Mother Base instead, feel like you're doing stuff by expanding your knowledge on who you're working with (Just for example Ocelot's story on how he got the nickname Shalashaska) The Midge Ure cover of Man Who Sold The World was pretty good tho