[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sDMqkEa.png[/img] [h1][color=27FF79]Omega[/color][/h1][/center] While Omega’s surprise attack had been deflected, the trooper still dropped her weapon, though it was quickly replaced with a beam sword. In the time it took her to do this however, Omega had already aimed his revolvers and opened fire. The close range plus their extra charge meant that she would have little means to defend or block the shots. Her dropping her gun had given him a range advantage he planned on making good use of it. Though her lack of fighting back didn’t go unnoticed by the spirit. Sure he was trying to keep her at bay with his shots but one would think she’d at least try to close the gap using melee and all. Unless. It was a trap! Omega quickly surveyed the area and spotted the funnels just in time to avoid their beams. It was a clever tactic, but it would take more than that to bring down this cowboy. Being the fastest trigger in the Nexus, Omega shot down all the funnels and still had time to turn back and face Tatiana before she could get a swing in. At least, that’s what he thought she was going to do. Instead the ghost got the full brunt of the soulfire attack. The pain was immeasurable, it was like every molecule in his head was being torn apart. Brought to his knees Omega placed the grips of his guns against his temples unable to stop the pain. Whatever Tatiana chose to do now, Omega would be helpless to stop her. [@Flamelord]