[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mBw9mx2.png[/img][/center] [center][i]The atmosphere of unease sets in upon Hyrule as whispers in the dark tell of the return of the King of Darkness. Many common folk disbelieve the rumors while the desperate and the dedicated to the cause of chaos stir in the shadows, scheming for the return of the one they call their king. These people stand among the other common folk, a threat that cannot be identified by looks alone is a threat often underestimated or overlooked. After all, it is just the common citizenry. However, tensions brew as a strange string of murders take place in Hyrule Castle City, and in the Castle District no less, the most secure residential district in the entire land. A select number of individuals from this point onward will find themselves involved in a series of events leading them to their destiny, should they embrace it, or not.[/i] [h3]World and Characters[/h3] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m8S0jXKtwNuWz4KSoK0pyl59at8gcC6CB3Wd_wOADRo/edit]Areas and Story[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OGal4YPk7FzDQm3K4RbE3khpnSFRWECaLZpekkhLzmk/edit]Non-Player Characters[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1saWFgzKHgB-La7tBKzKDOYx9RvLyUUKvAEcfwqT6eMs/edit]Basic Demographic Statistics[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ba96dExChsIaX1kwjHdE57UbzDx0q7se8Z4kARgN7Ho/edit]Additional Lore[/url] (Currently includes only magic, but more may be added as the RP rolls along) [h3]Relevant to Character Creation[/h3] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XXq554w9MSKpZpKkseCeC8zlhlOPr1g-g_NMd1gz_50/edit]Character Sheet[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m9nKK_6NHfq7LP4eRM6MV_x4DQ-S7-gbm1A8qwacsv0/edit]System[/url] [color=ed1c24]NOTE: The RP will take place in a series of chapters, each chapter focusing on one region of Hyrule. For instance the first chapter and beginning will take place in Hyrule, then after business is concluded there, everyone is required to move to Eldin, and so on.[/color] I also may have need for co-GMs to help take care of sidequests, but we'll talk about that in more depth when I see player projections. [/center]