Azzurra cautiously navigated her way through the forest, drawing closer to the occasional bolts of lightning that appeared above the trees. They soon ceased, however, and this sudden halt in activity caused her to stop in confusion. The period of silence then allowed her to faintly pick up some voices in the distance. Whoever was responsible for the earlier disturbance had to be up ahead. After all, it was in that direction where the strange lightning had stopped. Azzurra resumed walking, quickening her pace as she approached the source of the voices. She emerged into an area littered with fallen trees, and among them were two teenage boys. A third individual, armored, hooded, and obviously nowhere near human, then appeared at the scene. This one was heading straight for the youth with the long black hair. Extending a hand out, Azzurra released a stream of her magic at the ground which shot up as large walls of ice between the aggressive parties, hoping to stop the scuffle. A purple and green creature then suddenly fell from nearby branches, though, she only took one glance and didn't think much about him, as he didn't seem to be involved in whatever was happening. Azzurra took a couple more steps forward with her arms folded, and cleared her throat. "Do you gentlemen know what time it is?" She demanded in a voice that was flat, yet rang through the area.