"I've heard of them sparingly, but never enough to warrant any attention. I'll be sure to ask around, see if I can dig up more information." If Eve could identify this mangled mess as the Blackguard's work, Roche hated to think what else the Witcher had seen in her travels from the Blackguard. "Throat burned by acid...that's a bit much, even for Nilfgaard. Makes me think that these Blackguard might not be natives. Wouldn't put it past Emyhr to hire-" Roche turned his head to find his normally confident and somewhat stoic friend dry-heaving in the left hand corner of the shack. Mixed in with the dry-heaving was...sobbing? Crying? "Eve?! Eve, what's going on?" Nek had stayed just outside thankfully and was more than willing to dispose of the body, Roche nodding in approval as he attempted to help Eve straighten up. "Was it the acid in the throat? Maybe causing a reaction? You've got enhanced senses, so maybe something is triggering..." No. No it didn't like that. Her face betrayed a mixture of what he perceived to be sorrow and disgust, but the Blue Stripes didn't want to infer too much, not before he could restore her senses. "Come on, just..." He put an arm across her back, allowing one of hers to rest on his, giving him the ability to help her out of the shack and down towards the shore. "Nek, water, now!" A few moments later the Blue Stripes soldier arrived with a canteen, Roche helping it to his companion's lips. "There...there we go. Need any more?" He pulled a nearby crate over, helping her sit down. "Eve...what happened?"