[center][h1][Color=DF0101]Haakon J. Elvsgaard[/color][/h1] [img]http://www.jerryjazzmusician.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/bix1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=DF0101]Location:[/color]Grand Continetal Hotel [/center][hr] The smile that Haakon had just before forced onto his face, now rested calmly by itself as he heard Josephine and Aziza tell the group what had happened since Abbas was taken away. It was a relief that Josephine had done her best to keep Aziza calm after all that had happened, and thankfully succeeded in being just the friend Aziza needed. And so he gave that now calm smile first to Aziza, as a [i]You're welcome[/i], and then to Josephine. [Color=DF0101]"Well I think you did excellent, she needed you. But yes, I would think so; the comforts of one's own hotelroom would be a welcoming sight after a night like this..."[/color] However, it would seem that escorting Josephine back to her own hotel had just become one of two - or several - options now presented onto the group. Like Lord-Mayor himself said, the military attaché were there to escort them back to the barracks. For their own protection. [i]Safety in numbers[/i]. Haakon wasn't sure what he thought about the proposal. At the one hand Haakon was by now getting tired, and travelling any further was a thought he did not cherish. And his belongings were in this very hotel, some of which he would have prefered to keep an eye over. Peter's nod towards him also made him unsure, though his intent behind the gesture was not as hostile as it had been before...and on the other hand... [Color=DF0101]"That is a kind proposal you offer here, Lord-Mayor. But for my own position, I will have to ask Miss Clarke and her wishes. I've already promised to escort her back to her own housing. Either way, I'd like to take with me my typewriter and a few other items in my quarters; too afraid of losing my job, you see. But what do you think, Josephine? Your choice."[/color]