[img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/4daa/f/2017/104/7/1/part_24_by_aaronmk-db5t9bn.jpg[/img] Little Pip Starts a fire, Stronk Chin puts his out. We're nearing the end of the line and the field is thinning out. If you haven't, now may be a safe time to lay out your bets. Funny Valentine is the first to die in the new cycle, killed by Skrillex's bow. Le Mao cuddles with Costanza. Cat Snake, forgiving Bender for his theft holds his hand as they look out to the coming day. [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/177f/f/2017/104/a/e/part_25_by_aaronmk-db5t9bu.jpg[/img] In a twist of trickery, Cat Snake kills Costanza. Skrillez seizes Bender's Means of Production and makes off with his entire camp. And Le Mao kills the only other Chinese person in the games. Little Pip meanwhile makes a fashionable tropical hat. [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/93f6/f/2017/104/7/5/part_26_by_aaronmk-db5t9bv.jpg[/img]