[@Silver Carrot] Stryker and Grayson made their way back to the ship and did a quick check to make sure everyone else was aboard. One last piece of business, Stryker walked Sammn down to the docking bay, said a farewell, then handed him over to Adachi and Julius. As the door closed up, Stryker thought he saw a glint of malicious intent in Sammn's eyes, maybe he'd try and make a run for it, maybe that was just his expression, whatever was next for the lizard-man, Stryker silently wished him well, and walked back into the ship's proper. He gave Tibulus clearance to begin disengaging from their docking berth, and wandered back to find Taleste in her room. "Ready for that tour?" He said after finding her "Don't worry, it'll be quick, you've obviously already seen the quarters and passed through most of the common area, so there's not all that much to cover really. First off, the restrooms, showers and whatnot are at the end of the hall here in the Crew Quarters, women's is the door on the right" He pointed towards it then waved an arm for her to follow him over to the elevator. "Kitchen is that little room off to the side of the Common Area, there's not much downstairs to cover, just the cargo bay, engine room, tech lab, stuff like that, you can explore those at your leisure. We'll head on upstairs, just so you know where everything important is" They emerged at the Upper Deck and Stryker quickly pointed out the War Room, Armory, and Med Bay. "Cockpit's up at the front, and oh yeah, nearly forgot, in the case of some kind of catastrophic failure, every floor has ladders that provide quick access down to the escape pods on the Lower Deck. That's pretty much it... any questions?"